# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # lint: pylint # pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring """Lame scheduler which use Redis as a source of truth: * the Redis key SearXNG_checker_next_call_ts contains the next time the embedded checker should run. * to avoid lock, a unique Redis script reads and updates the Redis key SearXNG_checker_next_call_ts. * this Redis script returns a list of two elements: * the first one is a boolean. If True, the embedded checker must run now in this worker. * the second element is the delay in second to wait before the next call to the Redis script. This scheduler is not generic on purpose: if more feature are required, a dedicate scheduler must be used (= a better scheduler should not use the web workers) """ import logging import time from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable from searx.redisdb import client as get_redis_client from searx.redislib import lua_script_storage logger = logging.getLogger('searx.search.checker') SCHEDULER_LUA = Path(__file__).parent / "scheduler.lua" def scheduler_function(start_after_from: int, start_after_to: int, every_from: int, every_to: int, callback: Callable): """Run the checker periodically. The function never returns. Parameters: * start_after_from and start_after_to: when to call "callback" for the first on the Redis instance * every_from and every_to: after the first call, how often to call "callback" There is no issue: * to call this function is multiple workers * to kill workers at any time as long there is one at least one worker """ scheduler_now_script = SCHEDULER_LUA.open().read() while True: # ask the Redis script what to do # the script says # * if the checker must run now. # * how to long to way before calling the script again (it can be call earlier, but not later). script = lua_script_storage(get_redis_client(), scheduler_now_script) call_now, wait_time = script(args=[start_after_from, start_after_to, every_from, every_to]) # does the worker run the checker now? if call_now: # run the checker try: callback() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger.exception("Error calling the embedded checker") # only worker display the wait_time logger.info("Next call to the checker in %s seconds", wait_time) # wait until the next call time.sleep(wait_time)