import os import aiounittest os.environ['SEARX_DEBUG'] = '1' os.environ['SEARX_DISABLE_ETC_SETTINGS'] = '1' os.environ.pop('SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH', None) class SearxTestLayer: """Base layer for non-robot tests.""" __name__ = 'SearxTestLayer' @classmethod def setUp(cls): pass @classmethod def tearDown(cls): pass @classmethod def testSetUp(cls): pass @classmethod def testTearDown(cls): pass class SearxTestCase(aiounittest.AsyncTestCase): """Base test case for non-robot tests.""" layer = SearxTestLayer def setattr4test(self, obj, attr, value): """ setattr(obj, attr, value) but reset to the previous value in the cleanup. """ previous_value = getattr(obj, attr) def cleanup_patch(): setattr(obj, attr, previous_value) self.addCleanup(cleanup_patch) setattr(obj, attr, value)