import json import re import unicodedata from import CURRENCIES # NOQA categories = [] url = '{0}/{1}' weight = 100 parser_re = re.compile('.*?(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?) ([^.0-9]+) (?:in|to) ([^.0-9]+)', re.I) https_support = True def normalize_name(name): name = name.lower().replace('-', ' ').rstrip('s') name = re.sub(' +', ' ', name) return unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name).lower() def name_to_iso4217(name): global CURRENCIES name = normalize_name(name) currency = CURRENCIES['names'].get(name, [name]) return currency[0] def iso4217_to_name(iso4217, language): global CURRENCIES return CURRENCIES['iso4217'].get(iso4217, {}).get(language, iso4217) def request(query, params): m = parser_re.match(query) if not m: # wrong query return params amount, from_currency, to_currency = m.groups() amount = float(amount) from_currency = name_to_iso4217(from_currency.strip()) to_currency = name_to_iso4217(to_currency.strip()) params['url'] = url.format(from_currency, to_currency) params['amount'] = amount params['from'] = from_currency params['to'] = to_currency params['from_name'] = iso4217_to_name(from_currency, 'en') params['to_name'] = iso4217_to_name(to_currency, 'en') return params def response(resp): """remove first and last lines to get only json""" json_resp = resp.text[resp.text.find('\n') + 1:resp.text.rfind('\n') - 2] results = [] try: conversion_rate = float(json.loads(json_resp)['conversion']['converted-amount']) except: return results answer = '{0} {1} = {2} {3}, 1 {1} ({5}) = {4} {3} ({6})'.format( resp.search_params['amount'], resp.search_params['from'], resp.search_params['amount'] * conversion_rate, resp.search_params['to'], conversion_rate, resp.search_params['from_name'], resp.search_params['to_name'], ) url = '{0}/{1}'.format( resp.search_params['from'].upper(), resp.search_params['to']) results.append({'answer': answer, 'url': url}) return results