#!/usr/bin/env python import json from urllib.parse import urlparse from os.path import join from lxml.html import fromstring from langdetect import detect_langs from langdetect.lang_detect_exception import LangDetectException from searx.engines import wikidata, set_loggers from searx.utils import extract_text, match_language from searx.locales import LOCALE_NAMES from searx import searx_dir from searx.utils import gen_useragent import searx.search import searx.network set_loggers(wikidata, 'wikidata') SPARQL_WIKIPEDIA_ARTICLE = """ SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?name WHERE { hint:Query hint:optimizer "None". VALUES ?item { %IDS% } ?article schema:about ?item ; schema:inLanguage ?lang ; schema:name ?name ; schema:isPartOf [ wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" ] . FILTER(?lang in (%LANGUAGES_SPARQL%)) . FILTER (!CONTAINS(?name, ':')) . } """ SPARQL_DESCRIPTION = """ SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemDescription WHERE { VALUES ?item { %IDS% } ?item schema:description ?itemDescription . FILTER (lang(?itemDescription) in (%LANGUAGES_SPARQL%)) } ORDER BY ?itemLang """ NOT_A_DESCRIPTION = [ 'web site', 'site web', 'komputa serĉilo', 'interreta serĉilo', 'bilaketa motor', 'web search engine', 'wikimedia täpsustuslehekülg', ] SKIP_ENGINE_SOURCE = [ ('gitlab', 'wikidata') # descriptions are about wikipedia disambiguation pages ] LANGUAGES = LOCALE_NAMES.keys() WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES = {'language': 'wikipedia_language'} LANGUAGES_SPARQL = '' IDS = None descriptions = {} wd_to_engine_name = {} def normalize_description(description): for c in [chr(c) for c in range(0, 31)]: description = description.replace(c, ' ') description = ' '.join(description.strip().split()) return description def update_description(engine_name, lang, description, source, replace=True): if not isinstance(description, str): return description = normalize_description(description) if description.lower() == engine_name.lower(): return if description.lower() in NOT_A_DESCRIPTION: return if (engine_name, source) in SKIP_ENGINE_SOURCE: return if ' ' not in description: # skip unique word description (like "website") return if replace or lang not in descriptions[engine_name]: descriptions[engine_name][lang] = [description, source] def get_wikipedia_summary(lang, pageid): params = { 'language': lang.replace('_','-'), 'headers': {} } searx.engines.engines['wikipedia'].request(pageid, params) try: response = searx.network.get(params['url'], headers=params['headers'], timeout=10) response.raise_for_status() api_result = json.loads(response.text) return api_result.get('extract') except: return None def detect_language(text): try: r = detect_langs(str(text)) # pylint: disable=E1101 except LangDetectException: return None if len(r) > 0 and r[0].prob > 0.95: return r[0].lang return None def get_website_description(url, lang1, lang2=None): headers = { 'User-Agent': gen_useragent(), 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8', 'DNT': '1', 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', 'Sec-GPC': '1', 'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0', } if lang1 is not None: lang_list = [lang1] if lang2 is not None: lang_list.append(lang2) headers['Accept-Language'] = f'{",".join(lang_list)};q=0.8' try: response = searx.network.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=10) response.raise_for_status() except Exception: return (None, None) try: html = fromstring(response.text) except ValueError: html = fromstring(response.content) description = extract_text(html.xpath('/html/head/meta[@name="description"]/@content')) if not description: description = extract_text(html.xpath('/html/head/meta[@property="og:description"]/@content')) if not description: description = extract_text(html.xpath('/html/head/title')) lang = extract_text(html.xpath('/html/@lang')) if lang is None and len(lang1) > 0: lang = lang1 lang = detect_language(description) or lang or 'en' lang = lang.split('_')[0] lang = lang.split('-')[0] return (lang, description) def initialize(): global IDS, WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES, LANGUAGES_SPARQL searx.search.initialize() wikipedia_engine = searx.engines.engines['wikipedia'] WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES = { language: wikipedia_engine.url_lang(language.replace('_', '-')) for language in LANGUAGES } WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES['nb_NO'] = 'no' LANGUAGES_SPARQL = ', '.join(f"'{l}'" for l in set(WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES.values())) for engine_name, engine in searx.engines.engines.items(): descriptions[engine_name] = {} wikidata_id = getattr(engine, "about", {}).get('wikidata_id') if wikidata_id is not None: wd_to_engine_name.setdefault(wikidata_id, set()).add(engine_name) IDS = ' '.join(list(map(lambda wd_id: 'wd:' + wd_id, wd_to_engine_name.keys()))) def fetch_wikidata_descriptions(): searx.network.set_timeout_for_thread(60) result = wikidata.send_wikidata_query( SPARQL_DESCRIPTION .replace('%IDS%', IDS) .replace('%LANGUAGES_SPARQL%', LANGUAGES_SPARQL) ) if result is not None: for binding in result['results']['bindings']: wikidata_id = binding['item']['value'].replace('http://www.wikidata.org/entity/', '') wikidata_lang = binding['itemDescription']['xml:lang'] description = binding['itemDescription']['value'] for engine_name in wd_to_engine_name[wikidata_id]: for lang in LANGUAGES: if WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES[lang] == wikidata_lang: update_description(engine_name, lang, description, 'wikidata') def fetch_wikipedia_descriptions(): result = wikidata.send_wikidata_query( SPARQL_WIKIPEDIA_ARTICLE .replace('%IDS%', IDS) .replace('%LANGUAGES_SPARQL%', LANGUAGES_SPARQL) ) if result is not None: for binding in result['results']['bindings']: wikidata_id = binding['item']['value'].replace('http://www.wikidata.org/entity/', '') wikidata_lang = binding['name']['xml:lang'] pageid = binding['name']['value'] for engine_name in wd_to_engine_name[wikidata_id]: for lang in LANGUAGES: if WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES[lang] == wikidata_lang: description = get_wikipedia_summary(lang, pageid) update_description(engine_name, lang, description, 'wikipedia') def normalize_url(url): url = url.replace('{language}', 'en') url = urlparse(url)._replace(path='/', params='', query='', fragment='').geturl() url = url.replace('https://api.', 'https://') return url def fetch_website_description(engine_name, website): default_lang, default_description = get_website_description(website, None, None) if default_lang is None or default_description is None: # the front page can't be fetched: skip this engine return wikipedia_languages_r = { V: K for K, V in WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES.items() } languages = ['en', 'es', 'pt', 'ru', 'tr', 'fr'] languages = languages + [ l for l in LANGUAGES if l not in languages] previous_matched_lang = None previous_count = 0 for lang in languages: if lang not in descriptions[engine_name]: fetched_lang, desc = get_website_description(website, lang, WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES[lang]) if fetched_lang is None or desc is None: continue matched_lang = match_language(fetched_lang, LANGUAGES, fallback=None) if matched_lang is None: fetched_wikipedia_lang = match_language(fetched_lang, WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES.values(), fallback=None) matched_lang = wikipedia_languages_r.get(fetched_wikipedia_lang) if matched_lang is not None: update_description(engine_name, matched_lang, desc, website, replace=False) # check if desc changed with the different lang values if matched_lang == previous_matched_lang: previous_count += 1 if previous_count == 6: # the website has returned the same description for 6 different languages in Accept-Language header # stop now break else: previous_matched_lang = matched_lang previous_count = 0 def fetch_website_descriptions(): for engine_name, engine in searx.engines.engines.items(): website = getattr(engine, "about", {}).get('website') if website is None and hasattr(engine, "search_url"): website = normalize_url(getattr(engine, "search_url")) if website is None and hasattr(engine, "base_url"): website = normalize_url(getattr(engine, "base_url")) if website is not None: fetch_website_description(engine_name, website) def get_engine_descriptions_filename(): return join(join(searx_dir, "data"), "engine_descriptions.json") def get_output(): """ From descriptions[engine][language] = [description, source] To * output[language][engine] = description_and_source * description_and_source can be: * [description, source] * description (if source = "wikipedia") * [f"engine:lang", "ref"] (reference to another existing description) """ output = { locale: {} for locale in LOCALE_NAMES } seen_descriptions = {} for engine_name, lang_descriptions in descriptions.items(): for language, description in lang_descriptions.items(): if description[0] in seen_descriptions: ref = seen_descriptions[description[0]] description = [f'{ref[0]}:{ref[1]}', 'ref'] else: seen_descriptions[description[0]] = (engine_name, language) if description[1] == 'wikipedia': description = description[0] output.setdefault(language, {}).setdefault(engine_name, description) return output def main(): initialize() print('Fetching wikidata descriptions') fetch_wikidata_descriptions() print('Fetching wikipedia descriptions') fetch_wikipedia_descriptions() print('Fetching website descriptions') fetch_website_descriptions() output = get_output() with open(get_engine_descriptions_filename(), 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(json.dumps(output, indent=1, separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()