# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # lint: pylint """This module implements the Wikidata engine. Some implementations are shared from :ref:`wikipedia engine`. """ # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from hashlib import md5 from urllib.parse import urlencode, unquote from json import loads from dateutil.parser import isoparse from babel.dates import format_datetime, format_date, format_time, get_datetime_format from searx.data import WIKIDATA_UNITS from searx.network import post, get from searx.utils import searx_useragent, get_string_replaces_function from searx.external_urls import get_external_url, get_earth_coordinates_url, area_to_osm_zoom from searx.engines.wikipedia import ( fetch_wikimedia_traits, get_wiki_params, ) from searx.enginelib.traits import EngineTraits if TYPE_CHECKING: import logging logger: logging.Logger traits: EngineTraits # about about = { "website": 'https://wikidata.org/', "wikidata_id": 'Q2013', "official_api_documentation": 'https://query.wikidata.org/', "use_official_api": True, "require_api_key": False, "results": 'JSON', } # SPARQL SPARQL_ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://query.wikidata.org/sparql' SPARQL_EXPLAIN_URL = 'https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql?explain' WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES = { 'P434': 'MusicBrainz', 'P435': 'MusicBrainz', 'P436': 'MusicBrainz', 'P966': 'MusicBrainz', 'P345': 'IMDb', 'P2397': 'YouTube', 'P1651': 'YouTube', 'P2002': 'Twitter', 'P2013': 'Facebook', 'P2003': 'Instagram', } # SERVICE wikibase:mwapi : https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikidata_Query_Service/User_Manual/MWAPI # SERVICE wikibase:label: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/SPARQL/SERVICE_-_Label#Manual_Label_SERVICE # https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/SPARQL/WIKIDATA_Precision,_Units_and_Coordinates # https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/Indexing/RDF_Dump_Format#Data_model # optimization: # * https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_query_service/query_optimization # * https://github.com/blazegraph/database/wiki/QueryHints QUERY_TEMPLATE = """ SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?lat ?long %SELECT% WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:mwapi { bd:serviceParam wikibase:endpoint "www.wikidata.org"; wikibase:api "EntitySearch"; wikibase:limit 1; mwapi:search "%QUERY%"; mwapi:language "%LANGUAGE%". ?item wikibase:apiOutputItem mwapi:item. } hint:Prior hint:runFirst "true". %WHERE% SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "%LANGUAGE%,en". ?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel . ?item schema:description ?itemDescription . %WIKIBASE_LABELS% } } GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?lat ?long %GROUP_BY% """ # Get the calendar names and the property names QUERY_PROPERTY_NAMES = """ SELECT ?item ?name WHERE { { SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P279* wd:Q12132 } } UNION { VALUES ?item { %ATTRIBUTES% } } OPTIONAL { ?item rdfs:label ?name. } } """ # see the property "dummy value" of https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2013 (Wikidata) # hard coded here to avoid to an additional SPARQL request when the server starts DUMMY_ENTITY_URLS = set( "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/" + wid for wid in ("Q4115189", "Q13406268", "Q15397819", "Q17339402") ) # https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#rSTRING_LITERAL1 # https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2011OctDec/0175.html sparql_string_escape = get_string_replaces_function( # fmt: off { '\t': '\\\t', '\n': '\\\n', '\r': '\\\r', '\b': '\\\b', '\f': '\\\f', '\"': '\\\"', '\'': '\\\'', '\\': '\\\\' } # fmt: on ) replace_http_by_https = get_string_replaces_function({'http:': 'https:'}) def get_headers(): # user agent: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikidata_Query_Service/User_Manual#Query_limits return {'Accept': 'application/sparql-results+json', 'User-Agent': searx_useragent()} def get_label_for_entity(entity_id, language): name = WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES.get(entity_id) if name is None: name = WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES.get((entity_id, language)) if name is None: name = WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES.get((entity_id, language.split('-')[0])) if name is None: name = WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES.get((entity_id, 'en')) if name is None: name = entity_id return name def send_wikidata_query(query, method='GET'): if method == 'GET': # query will be cached by wikidata http_response = get(SPARQL_ENDPOINT_URL + '?' + urlencode({'query': query}), headers=get_headers()) else: # query won't be cached by wikidata http_response = post(SPARQL_ENDPOINT_URL, data={'query': query}, headers=get_headers()) if http_response.status_code != 200: logger.debug('SPARQL endpoint error %s', http_response.content.decode()) logger.debug('request time %s', str(http_response.elapsed)) http_response.raise_for_status() return loads(http_response.content.decode()) def request(query, params): # wikidata does not support zh-classical (zh_Hans) / zh-TW, zh-HK and zh-CN # mapped to zh eng_tag, _wiki_netloc = get_wiki_params(params['searxng_locale'], traits) query, attributes = get_query(query, eng_tag) logger.debug("request --> language %s // len(attributes): %s", eng_tag, len(attributes)) params['method'] = 'POST' params['url'] = SPARQL_ENDPOINT_URL params['data'] = {'query': query} params['headers'] = get_headers() params['language'] = eng_tag params['attributes'] = attributes return params def response(resp): results = [] jsonresponse = loads(resp.content.decode()) language = resp.search_params['language'] attributes = resp.search_params['attributes'] logger.debug("request --> language %s // len(attributes): %s", language, len(attributes)) seen_entities = set() for result in jsonresponse.get('results', {}).get('bindings', []): attribute_result = {key: value['value'] for key, value in result.items()} entity_url = attribute_result['item'] if entity_url not in seen_entities and entity_url not in DUMMY_ENTITY_URLS: seen_entities.add(entity_url) results += get_results(attribute_result, attributes, language) else: logger.debug('The SPARQL request returns duplicate entities: %s', str(attribute_result)) return results _IMG_SRC_DEFAULT_URL_PREFIX = "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/" _IMG_SRC_NEW_URL_PREFIX = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/" def get_thumbnail(img_src): """Get Thumbnail image from wikimedia commons Images from commons.wikimedia.org are (HTTP) redirected to upload.wikimedia.org. The redirected URL can be calculated by this function. - https://stackoverflow.com/a/33691240 """ logger.debug('get_thumbnail(): %s', img_src) if not img_src is None and _IMG_SRC_DEFAULT_URL_PREFIX in img_src.split()[0]: img_src_name = unquote(img_src.replace(_IMG_SRC_DEFAULT_URL_PREFIX, "").split("?", 1)[0].replace("%20", "_")) img_src_name_first = img_src_name img_src_name_second = img_src_name if ".svg" in img_src_name.split()[0]: img_src_name_second = img_src_name + ".png" img_src_size = img_src.replace(_IMG_SRC_DEFAULT_URL_PREFIX, "").split("?", 1)[1] img_src_size = img_src_size[img_src_size.index("=") + 1 : img_src_size.index("&")] img_src_name_md5 = md5(img_src_name.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() img_src = ( _IMG_SRC_NEW_URL_PREFIX + img_src_name_md5[0] + "/" + img_src_name_md5[0:2] + "/" + img_src_name_first + "/" + img_src_size + "px-" + img_src_name_second ) logger.debug('get_thumbnail() redirected: %s', img_src) return img_src def get_results(attribute_result, attributes, language): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches results = [] infobox_title = attribute_result.get('itemLabel') infobox_id = attribute_result['item'] infobox_id_lang = None infobox_urls = [] infobox_attributes = [] infobox_content = attribute_result.get('itemDescription', []) img_src = None img_src_priority = 0 for attribute in attributes: value = attribute.get_str(attribute_result, language) if value is not None and value != '': attribute_type = type(attribute) if attribute_type in (WDURLAttribute, WDArticle): # get_select() method : there is group_concat(distinct ...;separator=", ") # split the value here for url in value.split(', '): infobox_urls.append({'title': attribute.get_label(language), 'url': url, **attribute.kwargs}) # "normal" results (not infobox) include official website and Wikipedia links. if attribute.kwargs.get('official') or attribute_type == WDArticle: results.append({'title': infobox_title, 'url': url, "content": infobox_content}) # update the infobox_id with the wikipedia URL # first the local wikipedia URL, and as fallback the english wikipedia URL if attribute_type == WDArticle and ( (attribute.language == 'en' and infobox_id_lang is None) or attribute.language != 'en' ): infobox_id_lang = attribute.language infobox_id = url elif attribute_type == WDImageAttribute: # this attribute is an image. # replace the current image only the priority is lower # (the infobox contain only one image). if attribute.priority > img_src_priority: img_src = get_thumbnail(value) img_src_priority = attribute.priority elif attribute_type == WDGeoAttribute: # geocoordinate link # use the area to get the OSM zoom # Note: ignre the unit (must be kmĀ² otherwise the calculation is wrong) # Should use normalized value p:P2046/psn:P2046/wikibase:quantityAmount area = attribute_result.get('P2046') osm_zoom = area_to_osm_zoom(area) if area else 19 url = attribute.get_geo_url(attribute_result, osm_zoom=osm_zoom) if url: infobox_urls.append({'title': attribute.get_label(language), 'url': url, 'entity': attribute.name}) else: infobox_attributes.append( {'label': attribute.get_label(language), 'value': value, 'entity': attribute.name} ) if infobox_id: infobox_id = replace_http_by_https(infobox_id) # add the wikidata URL at the end infobox_urls.append({'title': 'Wikidata', 'url': attribute_result['item']}) if img_src is None and len(infobox_attributes) == 0 and len(infobox_urls) == 1 and len(infobox_content) == 0: results.append({'url': infobox_urls[0]['url'], 'title': infobox_title, 'content': infobox_content}) else: results.append( { 'infobox': infobox_title, 'id': infobox_id, 'content': infobox_content, 'img_src': img_src, 'urls': infobox_urls, 'attributes': infobox_attributes, } ) return results def get_query(query, language): attributes = get_attributes(language) select = [a.get_select() for a in attributes] where = list(filter(lambda s: len(s) > 0, [a.get_where() for a in attributes])) wikibase_label = list(filter(lambda s: len(s) > 0, [a.get_wikibase_label() for a in attributes])) group_by = list(filter(lambda s: len(s) > 0, [a.get_group_by() for a in attributes])) query = ( QUERY_TEMPLATE.replace('%QUERY%', sparql_string_escape(query)) .replace('%SELECT%', ' '.join(select)) .replace('%WHERE%', '\n '.join(where)) .replace('%WIKIBASE_LABELS%', '\n '.join(wikibase_label)) .replace('%GROUP_BY%', ' '.join(group_by)) .replace('%LANGUAGE%', language) ) return query, attributes def get_attributes(language): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements attributes = [] def add_value(name): attributes.append(WDAttribute(name)) def add_amount(name): attributes.append(WDAmountAttribute(name)) def add_label(name): attributes.append(WDLabelAttribute(name)) def add_url(name, url_id=None, **kwargs): attributes.append(WDURLAttribute(name, url_id, kwargs)) def add_image(name, url_id=None, priority=1): attributes.append(WDImageAttribute(name, url_id, priority)) def add_date(name): attributes.append(WDDateAttribute(name)) # Dates for p in [ 'P571', # inception date 'P576', # dissolution date 'P580', # start date 'P582', # end date 'P569', # date of birth 'P570', # date of death 'P619', # date of spacecraft launch 'P620', ]: # date of spacecraft landing add_date(p) for p in [ 'P27', # country of citizenship 'P495', # country of origin 'P17', # country 'P159', ]: # headquarters location add_label(p) # Places for p in [ 'P36', # capital 'P35', # head of state 'P6', # head of government 'P122', # basic form of government 'P37', ]: # official language add_label(p) add_value('P1082') # population add_amount('P2046') # area add_amount('P281') # postal code add_label('P38') # currency add_amount('P2048') # height (building) # Media for p in [ 'P400', # platform (videogames, computing) 'P50', # author 'P170', # creator 'P57', # director 'P175', # performer 'P178', # developer 'P162', # producer 'P176', # manufacturer 'P58', # screenwriter 'P272', # production company 'P264', # record label 'P123', # publisher 'P449', # original network 'P750', # distributed by 'P86', ]: # composer add_label(p) add_date('P577') # publication date add_label('P136') # genre (music, film, artistic...) add_label('P364') # original language add_value('P212') # ISBN-13 add_value('P957') # ISBN-10 add_label('P275') # copyright license add_label('P277') # programming language add_value('P348') # version add_label('P840') # narrative location # Languages add_value('P1098') # number of speakers add_label('P282') # writing system add_label('P1018') # language regulatory body add_value('P218') # language code (ISO 639-1) # Other add_label('P169') # ceo add_label('P112') # founded by add_label('P1454') # legal form (company, organization) add_label('P137') # operator (service, facility, ...) add_label('P1029') # crew members (tripulation) add_label('P225') # taxon name add_value('P274') # chemical formula add_label('P1346') # winner (sports, contests, ...) add_value('P1120') # number of deaths add_value('P498') # currency code (ISO 4217) # URL add_url('P856', official=True) # official website attributes.append(WDArticle(language)) # wikipedia (user language) if not language.startswith('en'): attributes.append(WDArticle('en')) # wikipedia (english) add_url('P1324') # source code repository add_url('P1581') # blog add_url('P434', url_id='musicbrainz_artist') add_url('P435', url_id='musicbrainz_work') add_url('P436', url_id='musicbrainz_release_group') add_url('P966', url_id='musicbrainz_label') add_url('P345', url_id='imdb_id') add_url('P2397', url_id='youtube_channel') add_url('P1651', url_id='youtube_video') add_url('P2002', url_id='twitter_profile') add_url('P2013', url_id='facebook_profile') add_url('P2003', url_id='instagram_profile') # Map attributes.append(WDGeoAttribute('P625')) # Image add_image('P15', priority=1, url_id='wikimedia_image') # route map add_image('P242', priority=2, url_id='wikimedia_image') # locator map add_image('P154', priority=3, url_id='wikimedia_image') # logo add_image('P18', priority=4, url_id='wikimedia_image') # image add_image('P41', priority=5, url_id='wikimedia_image') # flag add_image('P2716', priority=6, url_id='wikimedia_image') # collage add_image('P2910', priority=7, url_id='wikimedia_image') # icon return attributes class WDAttribute: __slots__ = ('name',) def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def get_select(self): return '(group_concat(distinct ?{name};separator=", ") as ?{name}s)'.replace('{name}', self.name) def get_label(self, language): return get_label_for_entity(self.name, language) def get_where(self): return "OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:{name} ?{name} . }".replace('{name}', self.name) def get_wikibase_label(self): return "" def get_group_by(self): return "" def get_str(self, result, language): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return result.get(self.name + 's') def __repr__(self): return '<' + str(type(self).__name__) + ':' + self.name + '>' class WDAmountAttribute(WDAttribute): def get_select(self): return '?{name} ?{name}Unit'.replace('{name}', self.name) def get_where(self): return """ OPTIONAL { ?item p:{name} ?{name}Node . ?{name}Node rdf:type wikibase:BestRank ; ps:{name} ?{name} . OPTIONAL { ?{name}Node psv:{name}/wikibase:quantityUnit ?{name}Unit. } }""".replace( '{name}', self.name ) def get_group_by(self): return self.get_select() def get_str(self, result, language): value = result.get(self.name) unit = result.get(self.name + "Unit") if unit is not None: unit = unit.replace('http://www.wikidata.org/entity/', '') return value + " " + get_label_for_entity(unit, language) return value class WDArticle(WDAttribute): __slots__ = 'language', 'kwargs' def __init__(self, language, kwargs=None): super().__init__('wikipedia') self.language = language self.kwargs = kwargs or {} def get_label(self, language): # language parameter is ignored return "Wikipedia ({language})".replace('{language}', self.language) def get_select(self): return "?article{language} ?articleName{language}".replace('{language}', self.language) def get_where(self): return """OPTIONAL { ?article{language} schema:about ?item ; schema:inLanguage "{language}" ; schema:isPartOf ; schema:name ?articleName{language} . }""".replace( '{language}', self.language ) def get_group_by(self): return self.get_select() def get_str(self, result, language): key = 'article{language}'.replace('{language}', self.language) return result.get(key) class WDLabelAttribute(WDAttribute): def get_select(self): return '(group_concat(distinct ?{name}Label;separator=", ") as ?{name}Labels)'.replace('{name}', self.name) def get_where(self): return "OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:{name} ?{name} . }".replace('{name}', self.name) def get_wikibase_label(self): return "?{name} rdfs:label ?{name}Label .".replace('{name}', self.name) def get_str(self, result, language): return result.get(self.name + 'Labels') class WDURLAttribute(WDAttribute): HTTP_WIKIMEDIA_IMAGE = 'http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/' __slots__ = 'url_id', 'kwargs' def __init__(self, name, url_id=None, kwargs=None): super().__init__(name) self.url_id = url_id self.kwargs = kwargs def get_str(self, result, language): value = result.get(self.name + 's') if self.url_id and value is not None and value != '': value = value.split(',')[0] url_id = self.url_id if value.startswith(WDURLAttribute.HTTP_WIKIMEDIA_IMAGE): value = value[len(WDURLAttribute.HTTP_WIKIMEDIA_IMAGE) :] url_id = 'wikimedia_image' return get_external_url(url_id, value) return value class WDGeoAttribute(WDAttribute): def get_label(self, language): return "OpenStreetMap" def get_select(self): return "?{name}Lat ?{name}Long".replace('{name}', self.name) def get_where(self): return """OPTIONAL { ?item p:{name}/psv:{name} [ wikibase:geoLatitude ?{name}Lat ; wikibase:geoLongitude ?{name}Long ] }""".replace( '{name}', self.name ) def get_group_by(self): return self.get_select() def get_str(self, result, language): latitude = result.get(self.name + 'Lat') longitude = result.get(self.name + 'Long') if latitude and longitude: return latitude + ' ' + longitude return None def get_geo_url(self, result, osm_zoom=19): latitude = result.get(self.name + 'Lat') longitude = result.get(self.name + 'Long') if latitude and longitude: return get_earth_coordinates_url(latitude, longitude, osm_zoom) return None class WDImageAttribute(WDURLAttribute): __slots__ = ('priority',) def __init__(self, name, url_id=None, priority=100): super().__init__(name, url_id) self.priority = priority class WDDateAttribute(WDAttribute): def get_select(self): return '?{name} ?{name}timePrecision ?{name}timeZone ?{name}timeCalendar'.replace('{name}', self.name) def get_where(self): # To remove duplicate, add # FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item p:{name}/psv:{name}/wikibase:timeValue ?{name}bis FILTER (?{name}bis < ?{name}) } # this filter is too slow, so the response function ignore duplicate results # (see the seen_entities variable) return """OPTIONAL { ?item p:{name}/psv:{name} [ wikibase:timeValue ?{name} ; wikibase:timePrecision ?{name}timePrecision ; wikibase:timeTimezone ?{name}timeZone ; wikibase:timeCalendarModel ?{name}timeCalendar ] . } hint:Prior hint:rangeSafe true;""".replace( '{name}', self.name ) def get_group_by(self): return self.get_select() def format_8(self, value, locale): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # precision: less than a year return value def format_9(self, value, locale): year = int(value) # precision: year if year < 1584: if year < 0: return str(year - 1) return str(year) timestamp = isoparse(value) return format_date(timestamp, format='yyyy', locale=locale) def format_10(self, value, locale): # precision: month timestamp = isoparse(value) return format_date(timestamp, format='MMMM y', locale=locale) def format_11(self, value, locale): # precision: day timestamp = isoparse(value) return format_date(timestamp, format='full', locale=locale) def format_13(self, value, locale): timestamp = isoparse(value) # precision: minute return ( get_datetime_format(format, locale=locale) .replace("'", "") .replace('{0}', format_time(timestamp, 'full', tzinfo=None, locale=locale)) .replace('{1}', format_date(timestamp, 'short', locale=locale)) ) def format_14(self, value, locale): # precision: second. return format_datetime(isoparse(value), format='full', locale=locale) DATE_FORMAT = { '0': ('format_8', 1000000000), '1': ('format_8', 100000000), '2': ('format_8', 10000000), '3': ('format_8', 1000000), '4': ('format_8', 100000), '5': ('format_8', 10000), '6': ('format_8', 1000), '7': ('format_8', 100), '8': ('format_8', 10), '9': ('format_9', 1), # year '10': ('format_10', 1), # month '11': ('format_11', 0), # day '12': ('format_13', 0), # hour (not supported by babel, display minute) '13': ('format_13', 0), # minute '14': ('format_14', 0), # second } def get_str(self, result, language): value = result.get(self.name) if value == '' or value is None: return None precision = result.get(self.name + 'timePrecision') date_format = WDDateAttribute.DATE_FORMAT.get(precision) if date_format is not None: format_method = getattr(self, date_format[0]) precision = date_format[1] try: if precision >= 1: t = value.split('-') if value.startswith('-'): value = '-' + t[1] else: value = t[0] return format_method(value, language) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except return value return value def debug_explain_wikidata_query(query, method='GET'): if method == 'GET': http_response = get(SPARQL_EXPLAIN_URL + '&' + urlencode({'query': query}), headers=get_headers()) else: http_response = post(SPARQL_EXPLAIN_URL, data={'query': query}, headers=get_headers()) http_response.raise_for_status() return http_response.content def init(engine_settings=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES : add unit symbols WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES.update(WIKIDATA_UNITS) # WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES : add property labels wikidata_property_names = [] for attribute in get_attributes('en'): if type(attribute) in (WDAttribute, WDAmountAttribute, WDURLAttribute, WDDateAttribute, WDLabelAttribute): if attribute.name not in WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES: wikidata_property_names.append("wd:" + attribute.name) query = QUERY_PROPERTY_NAMES.replace('%ATTRIBUTES%', " ".join(wikidata_property_names)) jsonresponse = send_wikidata_query(query) for result in jsonresponse.get('results', {}).get('bindings', {}): name = result['name']['value'] lang = result['name']['xml:lang'] entity_id = result['item']['value'].replace('http://www.wikidata.org/entity/', '') WIKIDATA_PROPERTIES[(entity_id, lang)] = name.capitalize() def fetch_traits(engine_traits: EngineTraits): """Uses languages evaluated from :py:obj:`wikipedia.fetch_wikimedia_traits ` and removes - ``traits.custom['wiki_netloc']``: wikidata does not have net-locations for the languages and the list of all - ``traits.custom['WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES']``: not used in the wikipedia engine """ fetch_wikimedia_traits(engine_traits) engine_traits.custom['wiki_netloc'] = {} engine_traits.custom['WIKIPEDIA_LANGUAGES'] = []