.. _installation basic: ========================= Step by step installation ========================= .. contents:: Contents :depth: 2 :local: :backlinks: entry Step by step installation with virtualenv. For Ubuntu, be sure to have enable universe repository. Install packages ================ .. include:: ../../build/docs/includes/searx.rst :start-after: START distro-packages :end-before: END distro-packages .. hint:: This installs also the packages needed by :ref:`searx uwsgi` Create user =========== .. include:: ../../build/docs/includes/searx.rst :start-after: START create user :end-before: END create user Start a interactive shell from new created user and clone searx: .. include:: ../../build/docs/includes/searx.rst :start-after: START clone searx :end-before: END clone searx In the same shell create *virtualenv*: .. include:: ../../build/docs/includes/searx.rst :start-after: START create virtualenv :end-before: END create virtualenv To install searx's dependencies, exit the searx *bash* session you opened above and restart a new. Before install, first check if your *virualenv* was sourced from the login (*~/.profile*): .. include:: ../../build/docs/includes/searx.rst :start-after: START manage.sh update_packages :end-before: END manage.sh update_packages .. tip:: Open a second terminal for the configuration tasks and left the ``(searx)$`` terminal open for the tasks below. Configuration ============== Create a copy of the :origin:`searx/settings.yml` configuration file in system's */etc* folder. Configure like shown below -- replace ``searx@\$(uname -n)`` with a name of your choice -- *and/or* edit ``/etc/searx/settings.yml`` if necessary. .. include:: ../../build/docs/includes/searx.rst :start-after: START searx config :end-before: END searx config Check ===== To check your searx setup, optional enable debugging and start the *webapp*. Searx looks at the exported environment ``$SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH`` for a configuration file. .. include:: ../../build/docs/includes/searx.rst :start-after: START check searx installation :end-before: END check searx installation If everything works fine, hit ``[CTRL-C]`` to stop the *webapp* and disable the debug option in ``settings.yml``. You can now exit searx user bash (enter exit command twice). At this point searx is not demonized; uwsgi allows this.