/** * * Google Image Layout v0.0.1 * Description, by Anh Trinh. * Heavily modified for searx * https://ptgamr.github.io/2014-09-12-google-image-layout/ * https://ptgamr.github.io/google-image-layout/src/google-image-layout.js * * @license Free to use under the MIT License. * * @example Example usage of searxng.ImageLayout class. * searxng.image_thumbnail_layout = new searxng.ImageLayout( * '#urls', // container_selector * '#urls .result-images', // results_selector * 'img.image_thumbnail', // img_selector * 14, // verticalMargin * 6, // horizontalMargin * 200 // maxHeight * ); * searxng.image_thumbnail_layout.watch(); */ (function (w, d) { function ImageLayout (container_selector, results_selector, img_selector, verticalMargin, horizontalMargin, maxHeight) { this.container_selector = container_selector; this.results_selector = results_selector; this.img_selector = img_selector; this.verticalMargin = verticalMargin; this.horizontalMargin = horizontalMargin; this.maxHeight = maxHeight; this.trottleCallToAlign = null; this.alignAfterThrotteling = false; } /** * Get the height that make all images fit the container * * width = w1 + w2 + w3 + ... = r1*h + r2*h + r3*h + ... * * @param {[type]} images the images to be calculated * @param {[type]} width the container witdth * @param {[type]} margin the margin between each image * * @return {[type]} the height */ ImageLayout.prototype._getHeigth = function (images, width) { var i, img; var r = 0; for (i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { img = images[i]; if ((img.naturalWidth > 0) && (img.naturalHeight > 0)) { r += img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight; } else { // assume that not loaded images are square r += 1; } } return (width - images.length * this.verticalMargin) / r; // have to round down because Firefox will automatically roundup value with number of decimals > 3 }; ImageLayout.prototype._setSize = function (images, height) { var i, img, imgWidth; var imagesLength = images.length, resultNode; for (i = 0; i < imagesLength; i++) { img = images[i]; if ((img.naturalWidth > 0) && (img.naturalHeight > 0)) { imgWidth = height * img.naturalWidth / img.naturalHeight; } else { // not loaded image : make it square as _getHeigth said it imgWidth = height; } img.setAttribute('width', Math.round(imgWidth)); img.setAttribute('height', Math.round(height)); img.style.marginLeft = Math.round(this.horizontalMargin) + 'px'; img.style.marginTop = Math.round(this.horizontalMargin) + 'px'; img.style.marginRight = Math.round(this.verticalMargin - 7) + 'px'; // -4 is the negative margin of the inline element img.style.marginBottom = Math.round(this.verticalMargin - 7) + 'px'; resultNode = img.parentNode.parentNode; if (!resultNode.classList.contains('js')) { resultNode.classList.add('js'); } } }; ImageLayout.prototype._alignImgs = function (imgGroup) { var isSearching, slice, i, h; var containerElement = d.querySelector(this.container_selector); var containerCompStyles = window.getComputedStyle(containerElement); var containerPaddingLeft = parseInt(containerCompStyles.getPropertyValue('padding-left'), 10); var containerPaddingRight = parseInt(containerCompStyles.getPropertyValue('padding-right'), 10); var containerWidth = containerElement.clientWidth - containerPaddingLeft - containerPaddingRight; while (imgGroup.length > 0) { isSearching = true; for (i = 1; i <= imgGroup.length && isSearching; i++) { slice = imgGroup.slice(0, i); h = this._getHeigth(slice, containerWidth); if (h < this.maxHeight) { this._setSize(slice, h); // continue with the remaining images imgGroup = imgGroup.slice(i); isSearching = false; } } if (isSearching) { this._setSize(slice, Math.min(this.maxHeight, h)); break; } } }; ImageLayout.prototype.throttleAlign = function () { var obj = this; if (obj.trottleCallToAlign) { obj.alignAfterThrotteling = true; } else { obj.alignAfterThrotteling = false; obj.align(); obj.trottleCallToAlign = setTimeout(function () { if (obj.alignAfterThrotteling) { obj.align(); } obj.alignAfterThrotteling = false; obj.trottleCallToAlign = null; }, 20); } } ImageLayout.prototype.align = function () { var i; var results_selectorNode = d.querySelectorAll(this.results_selector); var results_length = results_selectorNode.length; var previous = null; var current = null; var imgGroup = []; for (i = 0; i < results_length; i++) { current = results_selectorNode[i]; if (current.previousElementSibling !== previous && imgGroup.length > 0) { // the current image is not connected to previous one // so the current image is the start of a new group of images. // so call _alignImgs to align the current group this._alignImgs(imgGroup); // and start a new empty group of images imgGroup = []; } // add the current image to the group (only the img tag) imgGroup.push(current.querySelector(this.img_selector)); // update the previous variable previous = current; } // align the remaining images if (imgGroup.length > 0) { this._alignImgs(imgGroup); } }; ImageLayout.prototype._monitorImages = function () { var i, img; var objthrottleAlign = this.throttleAlign.bind(this); var results_nodes = d.querySelectorAll(this.results_selector); var results_length = results_nodes.length; function img_load_error (event) { // console.log("ERROR can't load: " + event.originalTarget.src); event.originalTarget.src = w.searxng.static_path + w.searxng.theme.img_load_error; } for (i = 0; i < results_length; i++) { img = results_nodes[i].querySelector(this.img_selector); if (img !== null && img !== undefined && !img.classList.contains('aligned')) { img.addEventListener('load', objthrottleAlign); // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GlobalEventHandlers/onerror img.addEventListener('error', objthrottleAlign); img.addEventListener('timeout', objthrottleAlign); if (w.searxng.theme.img_load_error) { img.addEventListener('error', img_load_error, {once: true}); } img.classList.add('aligned'); } } } ImageLayout.prototype.watch = function () { var objthrottleAlign = this.throttleAlign.bind(this); // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/pageshow_event w.addEventListener('pageshow', objthrottleAlign); // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileReader/load_event w.addEventListener('load', objthrottleAlign); // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/resize_event w.addEventListener('resize', objthrottleAlign); this._monitorImages(); var obj = this; let observer = new MutationObserver(entries => { let newElement = false; for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { if (entries[i].addedNodes.length > 0 && entries[i].addedNodes[0].classList.contains('result')) { newElement = true; break; } } if (newElement) { obj._monitorImages(); } }); observer.observe(d.querySelector(this.container_selector), { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: false, characterData: false, }) }; w.searxng.ImageLayout = ImageLayout; }(window, document));