{{- _('This is the list of cookies and their values SearXNG is storing on your computer.') }}
{{- _('With that list, you can assess SearXNG transparency.') -}}
{{- '' -}}
{{ _('Cookie name') }} | {{- '' -}}{{ _('Value') }} | {{- '' -}}
{{ cookie }} | {{- '' -}}{{ cookies[cookie] }} | {{- '' -}}
{{- url_for('index', _external=True) -}}?preferences={{- preferences_url_params|e -}} {%- raw -%}&q=%s{%- endraw -%}{{- '' -}}
{{- _('Note: specifying custom settings in the search URL can reduce privacy by leaking data to the clicked result sites.') -}}
{{- url_for('preferences', _external=True) -}}?preferences={{- preferences_url_params|e -}}{{- '' -}}{{- '' -}}
{{- _('Specifying custom settings in the preferences URL can be used to sync preferences across devices.') -}}
{{- preferences_url_params|e }}{{- '' -}}