#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later # shellcheck disable=SC2001 # shellcheck source=utils/lib.sh source "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/lib.sh" # shellcheck source=utils/lib_install.sh source "${REPO_ROOT}/utils/lib_install.sh" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # config # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP="${SEARX_BIND_ADDRESS}:${SEARX_PORT}" SEARX_URL_PATH="${SEARX_URL_PATH:-$(echo "${PUBLIC_URL}" \ | sed -e 's,^.*://[^/]*\(/.*\),\1,g')}" [[ "${SEARX_URL_PATH}" == "${PUBLIC_URL}" ]] && SEARX_URL_PATH=/ SERVICE_NAME="searx" SERVICE_USER="${SERVICE_USER:-${SERVICE_NAME}}" SERVICE_HOME_BASE="${SERVICE_HOME_BASE:-/usr/local}" SERVICE_HOME="${SERVICE_HOME_BASE}/${SERVICE_USER}" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 SERVICE_GROUP="${SERVICE_USER}" GIT_BRANCH="${GIT_BRANCH:-master}" SEARX_PYENV="${SERVICE_HOME}/searx-pyenv" SEARX_SRC="${SERVICE_HOME}/searx-src" SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH="/etc/searx/settings.yml" SEARX_UWSGI_APP="searx.ini" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 SEARX_UWSGI_SOCKET="/run/uwsgi/app/searx/socket" # apt packages SEARX_PACKAGES_debian="\ python3-dev python3-babel python3-venv uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3 git build-essential libxslt-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev shellcheck" BUILD_PACKAGES_debian="\ firefox graphviz imagemagick texlive-xetex librsvg2-bin texlive-latex-recommended texlive-extra-utils fonts-dejavu latexmk npm" # pacman packages SEARX_PACKAGES_arch="\ python python-pip python-lxml python-babel uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python git base-devel libxml2 shellcheck" BUILD_PACKAGES_arch="\ firefox graphviz imagemagick texlive-bin extra/librsvg texlive-core texlive-latexextra ttf-dejavu npm" # dnf packages SEARX_PACKAGES_fedora="\ python python-pip python-lxml python-babel uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3 git @development-tools libxml2 ShellCheck" BUILD_PACKAGES_fedora="\ firefox graphviz graphviz-gd ImageMagick librsvg2-tools texlive-xetex-bin texlive-collection-fontsrecommended texlive-collection-latex dejavu-sans-fonts dejavu-serif-fonts dejavu-sans-mono-fonts npm" # yum packages # # hint: We do no longer support yum packages, it is to complex to maintain # automate installation of packages like npm. In the firts step we ignore # CentOS-7 as developer & build platform (the inital patch which brought # CentOS-7 supports was not intended to be a developer platform). SEARX_PACKAGES_centos="\ python36 python36-pip python36-lxml python-babel uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python3 git @development-tools libxml2 ShellCheck" BUILD_PACKAGES_centos="\ firefox graphviz graphviz-gd ImageMagick librsvg2-tools texlive-xetex-bin texlive-collection-fontsrecommended texlive-collection-latex dejavu-sans-fonts dejavu-serif-fonts dejavu-sans-mono-fonts" case $DIST_ID-$DIST_VERS in ubuntu-16.04|ubuntu-18.04) SEARX_PACKAGES="${SEARX_PACKAGES_debian}" BUILD_PACKAGES="${BUILD_PACKAGES_debian}" APACHE_PACKAGES="$APACHE_PACKAGES libapache2-mod-proxy-uwsgi" ;; ubuntu-20.04) # https://askubuntu.com/a/1224710 SEARX_PACKAGES="${SEARX_PACKAGES_debian} python-is-python3" BUILD_PACKAGES="${BUILD_PACKAGES_debian}" ;; ubuntu-*|debian-*) SEARX_PACKAGES="${SEARX_PACKAGES_debian}" BUILD_PACKAGES="${BUILD_PACKAGES_debian}" ;; arch-*) SEARX_PACKAGES="${SEARX_PACKAGES_arch}" BUILD_PACKAGES="${BUILD_PACKAGES_arch}" ;; fedora-*) SEARX_PACKAGES="${SEARX_PACKAGES_fedora}" BUILD_PACKAGES="${BUILD_PACKAGES_fedora}" ;; centos-7) SEARX_PACKAGES="${SEARX_PACKAGES_centos}" BUILD_PACKAGES="${BUILD_PACKAGES_centos}" ;; esac # Apache Settings APACHE_SEARX_SITE="searx.conf" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 CONFIG_FILES=( "${uWSGI_APPS_AVAILABLE}/${SEARX_UWSGI_APP}" ) # shellcheck disable=SC2034 CONFIG_BACKUP_ENCRYPTED=( "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" ) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- usage() { # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # shellcheck disable=SC1117 cat < ] $(basename "$0") apache [install|remove] shell start interactive shell from user ${SERVICE_USER} install / remove :all: complete (de-) installation of searx service :user: add/remove service user '$SERVICE_USER' ($SERVICE_HOME) :searx-src: clone $GIT_URL :pyenv: create/remove virtualenv (python) in $SEARX_PYENV :uwsgi: install searx uWSGI application :settings: reinstall settings from ${SEARX_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE} :packages: install needed packages from OS package manager :buildhost: install packages from OS package manager needed by buildhosts update searx Update searx installation ($SERVICE_HOME) activate service activate and start service daemon (systemd unit) deactivate service stop and deactivate service daemon (systemd unit) inspect service run some small tests and inspect service's status and log option set one of the available options apache :install: apache site with the searx uwsgi app :remove: apache site ${APACHE_FILTRON_SITE} ---- sourced ${DOT_CONFIG} SERVICE_USER : ${SERVICE_USER} SERVICE_HOME : ${SERVICE_HOME} EOF install_log_searx_instance [[ -n ${1} ]] && err_msg "$1" } main() { required_commands \ sudo systemctl install git wget curl \ || exit local _usage="unknown or missing $1 command $2" case $1 in --getenv) var="$2"; echo "${!var}"; exit 0;; -h|--help) usage; exit 0;; shell) sudo_or_exit interactive_shell "${SERVICE_USER}" ;; inspect) case $2 in service) sudo_or_exit inspect_service ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; install) rst_title "SearXNG (install)" part sudo_or_exit case $2 in all) install_all ;; user) assert_user ;; pyenv) create_pyenv ;; searx-src) clone_searx ;; settings) install_settings ;; uwsgi) install_searx_uwsgi if ! service_is_available "http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP}"; then err_msg "URL http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP} not available, check searx & uwsgi setup!" fi ;; packages) pkg_install "$SEARX_PACKAGES" ;; buildhost) pkg_install "$SEARX_PACKAGES" pkg_install "$BUILD_PACKAGES" ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; update) sudo_or_exit case $2 in searx) update_searx;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; remove) rst_title "SearXNG (remove)" part sudo_or_exit case $2 in all) remove_all;; user) drop_service_account "${SERVICE_USER}";; pyenv) remove_pyenv ;; searx-src) remove_searx ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; activate) sudo_or_exit case $2 in service) activate_service ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; deactivate) sudo_or_exit case $2 in service) deactivate_service ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; option) sudo_or_exit case $2 in debug-on) echo; enable_debug ;; debug-off) echo; disable_debug ;; result-proxy) set_result_proxy "$3" "$4" ;; image-proxy-on) enable_image_proxy ;; image-proxy-off) disable_image_proxy ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; apache) sudo_or_exit case $2 in install) install_apache_site ;; remove) remove_apache_site ;; *) usage "$_usage"; exit 42;; esac ;; doc) rst-doc;; *) usage "unknown or missing command $1"; exit 42;; esac } _service_prefix=" ${_Yellow}|$SERVICE_USER|${_creset} " install_all() { rst_title "Install SearXNG (service)" verify_continue_install pkg_install "$SEARX_PACKAGES" wait_key assert_user wait_key clone_searx wait_key create_pyenv wait_key install_settings wait_key test_local_searx wait_key install_searx_uwsgi if ! service_is_available "http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP}"; then err_msg "URL http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP} not available, check searx & uwsgi setup!" fi if ask_yn "Do you want to inspect the installation?" Ny; then inspect_service fi } update_searx() { rst_title "Update searx instance" echo tee_stderr 0.3 <&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd ${SEARX_SRC} git checkout -B "$GIT_BRANCH" git pull pip install -U pip pip install -U setuptools pip install -U wheel pip install -U pyyaml pip install -U -e . EOF install_settings uWSGI_restart "$SEARX_UWSGI_APP" } remove_all() { rst_title "De-Install SearXNG (service)" rst_para "\ It goes without saying that this script can only be used to remove installations that were installed with this script." if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to deinstall SearXNG?"; then return fi remove_searx_uwsgi drop_service_account "${SERVICE_USER}" remove_settings wait_key if service_is_available "${PUBLIC_URL}"; then MSG="** Don't forgett to remove your public site! (${PUBLIC_URL}) **" wait_key 10 fi } assert_user() { rst_title "user $SERVICE_USER" section echo tee_stderr 1 < /dev/null; then die 42 "user '$SERVICE_USER' missed read permission: $REPO_ROOT" fi SERVICE_HOME="$(sudo -i -u "$SERVICE_USER" echo \$HOME 2>/dev/null)" if [[ ! "${SERVICE_HOME}" ]]; then err_msg "to clone searx sources, user $SERVICE_USER hast to be created first" return 42 fi if [[ ! $(git show-ref "refs/heads/${GIT_BRANCH}") ]]; then warn_msg "missing local branch ${GIT_BRANCH}" info_msg "create local branch ${GIT_BRANCH} from start point: origin/${GIT_BRANCH}" git branch "${GIT_BRANCH}" "origin/${GIT_BRANCH}" fi if [[ ! $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) == "${GIT_BRANCH}" ]]; then warn_msg "take into account, installing branch $GIT_BRANCH while current branch is $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" fi export SERVICE_HOME git_clone "$REPO_ROOT" "$SEARX_SRC" \ "$GIT_BRANCH" "$SERVICE_USER" pushd "${SEARX_SRC}" > /dev/null tee_stderr 0.1 <&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd "${SEARX_SRC}" git remote set-url origin ${GIT_URL} git config user.email "$ADMIN_EMAIL" git config user.name "$ADMIN_NAME" git config --list EOF popd > /dev/null } install_settings() { rst_title "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" section if ! clone_is_available; then err_msg "you have to install searx first" exit 42 fi mkdir -p "$(dirname "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}")" if [[ ! -f "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" ]]; then info_msg "install settings ${SEARX_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE}" info_msg " --> ${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" cp "${SEARX_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE}" "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" configure_searx return fi rst_para "Diff between origin's setting file (+) and current (-):" echo "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" "${SEARX_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE}" $DIFF_CMD "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" "${SEARX_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE}" local action choose_one action "What should happen to the settings file? " \ "keep configuration unchanged" \ "use origin settings" \ "start interactive shell" case $action in "keep configuration unchanged") info_msg "leave settings file unchanged" ;; "use origin settings") backup_file "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" info_msg "install origin settings" cp "${SEARX_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE}" "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" ;; "start interactive shell") backup_file "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" echo -e "// exit with [${_BCyan}CTRL-D${_creset}]" sudo -H -i rst_para 'Diff between new setting file (-) and current (+):' echo $DIFF_CMD "${SEARX_SETTINGS_TEMPLATE}" "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" wait_key ;; esac } remove_settings() { rst_title "remove searx settings" section echo info_msg "delete ${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" rm -f "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" } remove_searx() { rst_title "Drop searx sources" section if ask_yn "Do you really want to drop searx sources ($SEARX_SRC)?"; then rm -rf "$SEARX_SRC" else rst_para "Leave searx sources unchanged." fi } pyenv_is_available() { [[ -f "${SEARX_PYENV}/bin/activate" ]] } create_pyenv() { rst_title "Create virtualenv (python)" section echo if [[ ! -f "${SEARX_SRC}/manage" ]]; then err_msg "to create pyenv for searx, searx has to be cloned first" return 42 fi info_msg "create pyenv in ${SEARX_PYENV}" tee_stderr 0.1 <&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" rm -rf "${SEARX_PYENV}" python3 -m venv "${SEARX_PYENV}" grep -qFs -- 'source ${SEARX_PYENV}/bin/activate' ~/.profile \ || echo 'source ${SEARX_PYENV}/bin/activate' >> ~/.profile EOF info_msg "inspect python's virtual environment" tee_stderr 0.1 <&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" command -v python && python --version EOF wait_key info_msg "install needed python packages" tee_stderr 0.1 <&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" pip install -U pip pip install -U setuptools pip install -U wheel pip install -U pyyaml cd ${SEARX_SRC} pip install -e . EOF } remove_pyenv() { rst_title "Remove virtualenv (python)" section if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to drop ${SEARX_PYENV} ?"; then return fi info_msg "remove pyenv activation from ~/.profile" tee_stderr 0.1 <&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" grep -v 'source ${SEARX_PYENV}/bin/activate' ~/.profile > ~/.profile.## mv ~/.profile.## ~/.profile EOF rm -rf "${SEARX_PYENV}" } configure_searx() { rst_title "Configure searx" section rst_para "Setup searx config located at $SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH" echo tee_stderr 0.1 <&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd ${SEARX_SRC} sed -i -e "s/ultrasecretkey/$(openssl rand -hex 16)/g" "$SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH" EOF } test_local_searx() { rst_title "Testing searx instance localy" section echo if service_is_available "http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP}" &>/dev/null; then err_msg "URL/port http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP} is already in use, you" err_msg "should stop that service before starting local tests!" if ! ask_yn "Continue with local tests?"; then return fi fi sed -i -e "s/debug: false/debug: true/g" "$SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH" tee_stderr 0.1 <&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" export SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH="${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" cd ${SEARX_SRC} timeout 10 python searx/webapp.py & sleep 3 curl --location --verbose --head --insecure $SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP EOF sed -i -e "s/debug: true/debug: false/g" "$SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH" } install_searx_uwsgi() { rst_title "Install searx's uWSGI app (searx.ini)" section echo install_uwsgi uWSGI_install_app "$SEARX_UWSGI_APP" } remove_searx_uwsgi() { rst_title "Remove searx's uWSGI app (searx.ini)" section echo uWSGI_remove_app "$SEARX_UWSGI_APP" } activate_service() { rst_title "Activate SearXNG (service)" section echo uWSGI_enable_app "$SEARX_UWSGI_APP" uWSGI_restart "$SEARX_UWSGI_APP" } deactivate_service() { rst_title "De-Activate SearXNG (service)" section echo uWSGI_disable_app "$SEARX_UWSGI_APP" uWSGI_restart "$SEARX_UWSGI_APP" } enable_image_proxy() { info_msg "try to enable image_proxy ..." tee_stderr 0.1 <&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd ${SEARX_SRC} sed -i -e "s/image_proxy: false/image_proxy: true/g" "$SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH" EOF uWSGI_restart "$SEARX_UWSGI_APP" } disable_image_proxy() { info_msg "try to enable image_proxy ..." tee_stderr 0.1 <&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd ${SEARX_SRC} sed -i -e "s/image_proxy: true/image_proxy: false/g" "$SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH" EOF uWSGI_restart "$SEARX_UWSGI_APP" } enable_debug() { warn_msg "Do not enable debug in production environments!!" info_msg "try to enable debug mode ..." tee_stderr 0.1 <&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd ${SEARX_SRC} sed -i -e "s/debug: false/debug: true/g" "$SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH" EOF uWSGI_restart "$SEARX_UWSGI_APP" } disable_debug() { info_msg "try to disable debug mode ..." tee_stderr 0.1 <&1 | prefix_stdout "$_service_prefix" cd ${SEARX_SRC} sed -i -e "s/debug: true/debug: false/g" "$SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH" EOF uWSGI_restart "$SEARX_UWSGI_APP" } set_result_proxy() { # usage: set_result_proxy [] info_msg "try to set result proxy: '$1' ($2)" cp "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}.bak" _set_result_proxy "$1" "$2" > "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}" } _set_result_proxy() { local line local stage=0 local url=" url: $1" local key=" key: !!binary \"$2\"" if [[ -z $2 ]]; then key= fi while IFS= read -r line do if [[ $stage = 0 ]] || [[ $stage = 2 ]] ; then if [[ $line =~ ^[[:space:]]*#*[[:space:]]*result_proxy[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*$ ]]; then if [[ $stage = 0 ]]; then stage=1 echo "result_proxy:" continue elif [[ $stage = 2 ]]; then continue fi fi fi if [[ $stage = 1 ]] || [[ $stage = 2 ]] ; then if [[ $line =~ ^[[:space:]]*#*[[:space:]]*url[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]] ]]; then [[ $stage = 1 ]] && echo "$url" continue elif [[ $line =~ ^[[:space:]]*#*[[:space:]]*key[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]] ]]; then [[ $stage = 1 ]] && [[ -n $key ]] && echo "$key" continue elif [[ $line =~ ^[[:space:]]*$ ]]; then stage=2 fi fi echo "$line" done < "${SEARX_SETTINGS_PATH}.bak" } function has_substring() { [[ "$1" != "${2/$1/}" ]] } inspect_service() { rst_title "service status & log" cat < ${PUBLIC_URL}" info_msg "internal URL --> http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP}" fi if ! service_is_available "http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP}"; then err_msg "uWSGI app (service) at http://${SEARX_INTERNAL_HTTP} is not available!" MSG="${_Green}[${_BCyan}CTRL-C${_Green}] to stop or [${_BCyan}KEY${_Green}] to continue"\ wait_key fi if ! service_is_available "${PUBLIC_URL}"; then warn_msg "Public service at ${PUBLIC_URL} is not available!" if ! in_container; then warn_msg "Check if public name is correct and routed or use the public IP from above." fi fi local _debug_on if ask_yn "Enable searx debug mode?"; then enable_debug _debug_on=1 fi echo case $DIST_ID-$DIST_VERS in ubuntu-*|debian-*) systemctl --no-pager -l status "${SERVICE_NAME}" ;; arch-*) systemctl --no-pager -l status "uwsgi@${SERVICE_NAME%.*}" ;; fedora-*|centos-7) systemctl --no-pager -l status uwsgi ;; esac # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf "// use ${_BCyan}CTRL-C${_creset} to stop monitoring the log" read -r -s -n1 -t 5 echo while true; do trap break 2 case $DIST_ID-$DIST_VERS in ubuntu-*|debian-*) tail -f /var/log/uwsgi/app/searx.log ;; arch-*) journalctl -f -u "uwsgi@${SERVICE_NAME%.*}" ;; fedora-*|centos-7) journalctl -f -u uwsgi ;; esac done if [[ $_debug_on == 1 ]]; then disable_debug fi return 0 } install_apache_site() { rst_title "Install Apache site $APACHE_SEARX_SITE" rst_para "\ This installs the searx uwsgi app as apache site. If your server is public to the internet, you should instead use a reverse proxy (filtron) to block excessively bot queries." ! apache_is_installed && err_msg "Apache is not installed." if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to continue?" Yn; then return else install_apache fi apache_install_site --variant=uwsgi "${APACHE_SEARX_SITE}" rst_title "Install searx's uWSGI app (searx.ini)" section echo uWSGI_install_app --variant=socket "$SEARX_UWSGI_APP" if ! service_is_available "${PUBLIC_URL}"; then err_msg "Public service at ${PUBLIC_URL} is not available!" fi } remove_apache_site() { rst_title "Remove Apache site ${APACHE_SEARX_SITE}" rst_para "\ This removes apache site ${APACHE_SEARX_SITE}." ! apache_is_installed && err_msg "Apache is not installed." if ! ask_yn "Do you really want to continue?" Yn; then return fi apache_remove_site "${APACHE_SEARX_SITE}" rst_title "Remove searx's uWSGI app (searx.ini)" section echo uWSGI_remove_app "$SEARX_UWSGI_APP" } rst-doc() { local debian="${SEARX_PACKAGES_debian}" local arch="${SEARX_PACKAGES_arch}" local fedora="${SEARX_PACKAGES_fedora}" local centos="${SEARX_PACKAGES_centos}" local debian_build="${BUILD_PACKAGES_debian}" local arch_build="${BUILD_PACKAGES_arch}" local fedora_build="${BUILD_PACKAGES_fedora}" local centos_build="${SEARX_PACKAGES_centos}" debian="$(echo "${debian}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" arch="$(echo "${arch}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" fedora="$(echo "${fedora}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" centos="$(echo "${centos}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" debian_build="$(echo "${debian_build}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" arch_build="$(echo "${arch_build}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" fedora_build="$(echo "${fedora_build}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" centos_build="$(echo "${centos_build}" | sed 's/.*/ & \\/' | sed '$ s/.$//')" eval "echo \"$(< "${REPO_ROOT}/docs/build-templates/searx.rst")\"" # I use ubuntu-20.04 here to demonstrate that versions are also suported, # normaly debian-* and ubuntu-* are most the same. for DIST_NAME in ubuntu-20.04 arch fedora; do ( DIST_ID=${DIST_NAME%-*} DIST_VERS=${DIST_NAME#*-} [[ $DIST_VERS =~ $DIST_ID ]] && DIST_VERS= uWSGI_distro_setup echo -e "\n.. START searx uwsgi-description $DIST_NAME" case $DIST_ID-$DIST_VERS in ubuntu-*|debian-*) cat < /usr/share/doc/uwsgi/README.Debian.gz # For uWSGI debian uses the LSB init process, this might be changed # one day, see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=833067 create ${uWSGI_APPS_AVAILABLE}/${SEARX_UWSGI_APP} enable: sudo -H ln -s ${uWSGI_APPS_AVAILABLE}/${SEARX_UWSGI_APP} ${uWSGI_APPS_ENABLED}/ start: sudo -H service uwsgi start ${SEARX_UWSGI_APP%.*} restart: sudo -H service uwsgi restart ${SEARX_UWSGI_APP%.*} stop: sudo -H service uwsgi stop ${SEARX_UWSGI_APP%.*} disable: sudo -H rm ${uWSGI_APPS_ENABLED}/${SEARX_UWSGI_APP} EOF ;; arch-*) cat < /usr/lib/systemd/system/uwsgi@.service # For uWSGI archlinux uses systemd template units, see # - http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/instances.html # - https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Systemd.html#one-service-per-app-in-systemd create: ${uWSGI_APPS_ENABLED}/${SEARX_UWSGI_APP} enable: sudo -H systemctl enable uwsgi@${SEARX_UWSGI_APP%.*} start: sudo -H systemctl start uwsgi@${SEARX_UWSGI_APP%.*} restart: sudo -H systemctl restart uwsgi@${SEARX_UWSGI_APP%.*} stop: sudo -H systemctl stop uwsgi@${SEARX_UWSGI_APP%.*} disable: sudo -H systemctl disable uwsgi@${SEARX_UWSGI_APP%.*} EOF ;; fedora-*|centos-7) cat < /usr/lib/systemd/system/uwsgi.service # The unit file starts uWSGI in emperor mode (/etc/uwsgi.ini), see # - https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Emperor.html create: ${uWSGI_APPS_ENABLED}/${SEARX_UWSGI_APP} restart: sudo -H touch ${uWSGI_APPS_ENABLED}/${SEARX_UWSGI_APP} disable: sudo -H rm ${uWSGI_APPS_ENABLED}/${SEARX_UWSGI_APP} EOF ;; esac echo -e ".. END searx uwsgi-description $DIST_NAME" echo -e "\n.. START searx uwsgi-appini $DIST_NAME" echo ".. code:: bash" echo eval "echo \"$(< "${TEMPLATES}/${uWSGI_APPS_AVAILABLE}/${SEARX_UWSGI_APP}")\"" | prefix_stdout " " echo -e "\n.. END searx uwsgi-appini $DIST_NAME" ) done } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- main "$@" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------