mirror of https://github.com/searxng/searxng.git synced 2024-10-12 02:51:33 +02:00
Martin Fischer a5643aa1ca
Merge pull request #734 from not-my-profile/search-syntax-doc
Small fixes to Search syntax doc
2022-01-12 08:18:25 +01:00

491 lines
14 KiB

.. _settings.yml:
This page describe the options possibilities of the :origin:`searx/settings.yml`
.. sidebar:: Further reading ..
- :ref:`use_default_settings.yml`
- :ref:`search API`
.. contents:: Contents
:depth: 2
:backlinks: entry
.. _settings location:
settings.yml location
The initial ``settings.yml`` we be load from these locations:
1. the full path specified in the ``SEARXNG_SETTINGS_PATH`` environment variable.
2. ``/etc/searxng/settings.yml``
If these files don't exist (or are empty or can't be read), SearXNG uses the
:origin:`searx/settings.yml` file. Read :ref:`settings use_default_settings` to
see how you can simplify your *user defined* ``settings.yml``.
.. _settings global:
Global Settings
.. _settings global brand:
.. code:: yaml
issue_url: https://github.com/searxng/searxng/issues
docs_url: https://docs.searxng.org
public_instances: https://searx.space
wiki_url: https://github.com/searxng/searxng/wiki
``issue_url`` :
If you host your own issue tracker change this URL.
``docs_url`` :
If you host your own documentation change this URL.
``public_instances`` :
If you host your own https://searx.space change this URL.
``wiki_url`` :
Link to your wiki (or ``false``)
.. _settings global general:
.. code:: yaml
debug: false # Debug mode, only for development
instance_name: "SearXNG" # displayed name
contact_url: false # mailto:contact@example.com
``debug`` : ``$SEARXNG_DEBUG``
Allow a more detailed log if you run SearXNG directly. Display *detailed* error
messages in the browser too, so this must be deactivated in production.
Contact ``mailto:`` address or WEB form.
Enabled by default. Record various anonymous metrics availabled at ``/stats``,
``/stats/errors`` and ``/preferences``.
.. _settings global server:
.. code:: yaml
base_url: false # set custom base_url (or false)
port: 8888
bind_address: "" # address to listen on
secret_key: "ultrasecretkey" # change this!
image_proxy: false # proxying image results through SearXNG
default_locale: "" # default interface locale
default_theme: oscar # ui theme
X-Content-Type-Options : nosniff
X-XSS-Protection : 1; mode=block
X-Download-Options : noopen
X-Robots-Tag : noindex, nofollow
Referrer-Policy : no-referrer
.. sidebar:: buildenv
Changing a value tagged by :ref:`buildenv <make buildenv>`, needs to
rebuild instance's environment :ref:`utils/brand.env <make buildenv>`.
``base_url`` : :ref:`buildenv SEARXNG_URL <make buildenv>`
The base URL where SearXNG is deployed. Used to create correct inbound links.
If you change the value, don't forget to rebuild instance's environment
(:ref:`utils/brand.env <make buildenv>`)
``port`` & ``bind_address``: :ref:`buildenv SEARXNG_PORT & SEARXNG_BIND_ADDRESS <make buildenv>`
Port number and *bind address* of the SearXNG web application if you run it
directly using ``python searx/webapp.py``. Doesn't apply to SearXNG running on
Apache or Nginx.
``secret_key`` : ``$SEARXNG_SECRET``
Used for cryptography purpose.
``image_proxy`` :
Allow your instance of SearXNG of being able to proxy images. Uses memory space.
``default_locale`` :
SearXNG interface language. If blank, the locale is detected by using the
browser language. If it doesn't work, or you are deploying a language
specific instance of searx, a locale can be defined using an ISO language
code, like ``fr``, ``en``, ``de``.
``default_theme`` :
Name of the theme you want to use by default on your SearXNG instance.
.. _HTTP headers: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers
Set additional HTTP headers, see `#755 <https://github.com/searx/searx/issues/715>`__
.. _settings redis:
.. _Redis.from_url(url): https://redis-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/connections.html#redis.client.Redis.from_url
URL to connect redis database, see `Redis.from_url(url)`_ & :ref:`redis db`::
.. admonition:: Tip for developers
To set up a redis instance simply use::
$ ./manage redis.build
$ sudo -H ./manage redis.install
To get access rights to this instance, your developer account needs to be
added to the *searxng-redis* group::
$ sudo -H ./manage redis.addgrp "${USER}"
# don't forget to logout & login to get member of group
.. _settings outgoing:
Communication with search engines.
.. code:: yaml
request_timeout: 2.0 # default timeout in seconds, can be override by engine
max_request_timeout: 10.0 # the maximum timeout in seconds
useragent_suffix: "" # informations like an email address to the administrator
pool_connections: 100 # Maximum number of allowable connections, or null
# for no limits. The default is 100.
pool_maxsize: 10 # Number of allowable keep-alive connections, or null
# to always allow. The default is 10.
enable_http2: true # See https://www.python-httpx.org/http2/
# uncomment below section if you want to use a proxy
# proxies:
# all://:
# - http://proxy1:8080
# - http://proxy2:8080
# uncomment below section only if you have more than one network interface
# which can be the source of outgoing search requests
# source_ips:
# -
# -
# - fe80::/126
``request_timeout`` :
Global timeout of the requests made to others engines in seconds. A bigger
timeout will allow to wait for answers from slow engines, but in consequence
will slow SearXNG reactivity (the result page may take the time specified in the
timeout to load). Can be override by :ref:`settings engine`
``useragent_suffix`` :
Suffix to the user-agent SearXNG uses to send requests to others engines. If an
engine wish to block you, a contact info here may be useful to avoid that.
Number of seconds to keep a connection in the pool. By default 5.0 seconds.
.. _httpx proxies: https://www.python-httpx.org/advanced/#http-proxying
``proxies`` :
Define one or more proxies you wish to use, see `httpx proxies`_.
If there are more than one proxy for one protocol (http, https),
requests to the engines are distributed in a round-robin fashion.
``source_ips`` :
If you use multiple network interfaces, define from which IP the requests must
be made. Example:
* ```` any local IPv4 address.
* ``::`` any local IPv6 address.
* ````
* ``[, ]`` these two specific IP addresses
* ``fe80::60a2:1691:e5a2:ee1f``
* ``fe80::60a2:1691:e5a2:ee1f/126`` all IP addresses in this network.
* ``[, fe80::/126 ]``
``retries`` :
Number of retry in case of an HTTP error. On each retry, SearXNG uses an
different proxy and source ip.
``retry_on_http_error`` :
Retry request on some HTTP status code.
* ``true`` : on HTTP status code between 400 and 599.
* ``403`` : on HTTP status code 403.
* ``[403, 429]``: on HTTP status code 403 and 429.
``enable_http2`` :
Enable by default. Set to ``false`` to disable HTTP/2.
``max_redirects`` :
30 by default. Maximum redirect before it is an error.
A list of the categories that are displayed as tabs in the user interface.
Categories not listed here can still be searched with the :ref:`search-syntax`.
.. code-block:: yaml
social media:
.. _settings engine:
Engine settings
.. sidebar:: Further reading ..
- :ref:`configured engines`
- :ref:`engines-dev`
In the code example below a *full fledged* example of a YAML setup from a dummy
engine is shown. Most of the options have a default value or even are optional.
.. code:: yaml
- name: example engine
engine: example
shortcut: demo
base_url: 'https://{language}.example.com/'
categories: general
timeout: 3.0
api_key: 'apikey'
disabled: false
language: en_US
tokens: [ 'my-secret-token' ]
weigth: 1
display_error_messages: true
website: https://example.com
wikidata_id: Q306656
official_api_documentation: https://example.com/api-doc
use_official_api: true
require_api_key: true
results: HTML
enable_http: false
enable_http2: false
retries: 1
retry_on_http_error: true # or 403 or [404, 429]
max_connections: 100
max_keepalive_connections: 10
keepalive_expiry: 5.0
- http://proxy1:8080
- http://proxy2:8080
- http://proxy1:8080
- http://proxy2:8080
- socks5://user:password@proxy3:1080
- socks5h://user:password@proxy4:1080
``name`` :
Name that will be used across SearXNG to define this engine. In settings, on
the result page...
``engine`` :
Name of the python file used to handle requests and responses to and from this
search engine.
``shortcut`` :
Code used to execute bang requests (in this case using ``!bi``)
``base_url`` : optional
Part of the URL that should be stable across every request. Can be useful to
use multiple sites using only one engine, or updating the site URL without
touching at the code.
``categories`` : optional
Define in which categories this engine will be active. Most of the time, it is
defined in the code of the engine, but in a few cases it is useful, like when
describing multiple search engine using the same code.
``timeout`` : optional
Timeout of the search with the current search engine. **Be careful, it will
modify the global timeout of SearXNG.**
``api_key`` : optional
In a few cases, using an API needs the use of a secret key. How to obtain them
is described in the file.
``disabled`` : optional
To disable by default the engine, but not deleting it. It will allow the user
to manually activate it in the settings.
``language`` : optional
If you want to use another language for a specific engine, you can define it
by using the full ISO code of language and country, like ``fr_FR``, ``en_US``,
``tokens`` : optional
A list of secret tokens to make this engine *private*, more details see
:ref:`private engines`.
``weigth`` : default ``1``
Weighting of the results of this engine.
``display_error_messages`` : default ``true``
When an engine returns an error, the message is displayed on the user interface.
``network``: optional
Use the network configuration from another engine.
In addition, there are two default networks:
* ``ipv4`` set ``local_addresses`` to ```` (use only IPv4 local addresses)
* ``ipv6`` set ``local_addresses`` to ``::`` (use only IPv6 local addresses)
.. note::
A few more options are possible, but they are pretty specific to some
engines, and so won't be described here.
Example: Multilingual Search
SearXNG does not support true multilingual search. You have to use the language
prefix in your search query when searching in a different language.
But there is a workaround: By adding a new search engine with a different
language, SearXNG will search in your default and other language.
Example configuration in settings.yml for a German and English speaker:
.. code-block:: yaml
default_lang : "de"
- name : google english
engine : google
language : en
When searching, the default google engine will return German results and
"google english" will return English results.
.. _settings use_default_settings:
.. sidebar:: ``use_default_settings: true``
- :ref:`settings location`
- :ref:`use_default_settings.yml`
- :origin:`/etc/searxng/settings.yml <utils/templates/etc/searxng/settings.yml>`
The user defined ``settings.yml`` is loaded from the :ref:`settings location`
and can relied on the default configuration :origin:`searx/settings.yml` using:
``use_default_settings: true``
In the following example, the actual settings are the default settings defined
in :origin:`searx/settings.yml` with the exception of the ``secret_key`` and
the ``bind_address``:
.. code-block:: yaml
use_default_settings: true
secret_key: "ultrasecretkey" # change this!
bind_address: ""
With ``use_default_settings: true``, each settings can be override in a
similar way, the ``engines`` section is merged according to the engine
``name``. In this example, SearXNG will load all the engine and the arch linux
wiki engine has a :ref:`token <private engines>`:
.. code-block:: yaml
use_default_settings: true
secret_key: "ultrasecretkey" # change this!
- name: arch linux wiki
tokens: ['$ecretValue']
``engines:`` / ``remove:``
It is possible to remove some engines from the default settings. The following
example is similar to the above one, but SearXNG doesn't load the the google
.. code-block:: yaml
- google
secret_key: "ultrasecretkey" # change this!
- name: arch linux wiki
tokens: ['$ecretValue']
``engines:`` / ``keep_only:``
As an alternative, it is possible to specify the engines to keep. In the
following example, SearXNG has only two engines:
.. code-block:: yaml
- google
- duckduckgo
secret_key: "ultrasecretkey" # change this!
- name: google
tokens: ['$ecretValue']
- name: duckduckgo
tokens: ['$ecretValue']