mirror of https://github.com/searxng/searxng.git synced 2024-09-17 18:50:16 +02:00
Markus Heiser 1a4524e03c [mod] remove obsolete virtualenv command
Installation and use of the command 'virtualenv' was only needed in py2 and py2
is no longer suported by searx.  In py3 the command is replaced by 'python -m

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
2020-12-18 22:31:13 +01:00

251 lines
9.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: makefile-gmake -*-
# list of python packages (folders) or modules (files) of this build
SITE_PYTHON ?=$(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))site-python
# folder where the python distribution takes place
# folder where the python intermediate build files take place
# python version to use
PY ?=3
# $(PYTHON) points to the python interpreter from the OS! The python from the
# OS is needed e.g. to create a virtualenv. For tasks inside the virtualenv the
# interpeter from '$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python' is used.
PYTHON ?= python$(PY)
PIP ?= pip$(PY)
PIP_INST ?= --user
# https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/#extras
#PY_SETUP_EXTRAS ?= \[develop,test\]
PYDEBUG ?= --pdb
PYLINT_RC ?= .pylintrc
TEST_FOLDER ?= ./tests
TEST ?= .
PY_ENV = ./$(LXC_ENV_FOLDER)local/py$(PY)
PY_ENV_BIN = $(PY_ENV)/bin
PY_ENV_ACT = . $(PY_ENV_BIN)/activate
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
PYTHON = python
PY_ENV_BIN = $(PY_ENV)/Scripts
PY_ENV_ACT = $(PY_ENV_BIN)/activate
@echo 'makefile.python:'
@echo ' pyenv | pyenv[un]install'
@echo ' build $(PY_ENV) & [un]install python objects'
@echo ' targts using pyenv $(PY_ENV):'
@echo ' pylint - run pylint *linting*'
@echo ' pytest - run *tox* test on python objects'
@echo ' pydebug - run tests within a PDB debug session'
@echo ' pybuild - build python packages ($(PYDIST) $(PYBUILD))'
@echo ' pyclean - clean intermediate python objects'
@echo ' targets using system users environment:'
@echo ' py[un]install - [un]install python objects in editable mode'
@echo ' upload-pypi - upload $(PYDIST)/* files to PyPi'
@echo 'options:'
@echo ' make PY=3.7 [targets] => to eval targets with python 3.7 ($(PY))'
@echo ' make PIP_INST= => to set/unset pip install options ($(PIP_INST))'
@echo ' make TEST=. => choose test from $(TEST_FOLDER) (default "." runs all)'
@echo ' make DEBUG= => target "debug": do not invoke PDB on errors'
@echo ' make PY_SETUP_EXTRAS => also install extras_require from setup.py \[develop,test\]'
@echo ' when using target "pydebug", set breakpoints within py-source by adding::'
@echo ' DEBUG()'
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# OS requirements
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PHONY += msg-python-exe python-exe
@echo "\n $(PYTHON) is required\n\n\
Make sure you have $(PYTHON) installed, grab it from\n\
https://www.python.org or install it from your package\n\
manager. On debian based OS these requirements are\n\
installed by::\n\n\
sudo -H apt-get install $(PYTHON)\n" | $(FMT)
ifeq ($(shell which $(PYTHON) >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 1)
python-exe: msg-python-exe
$(error The '$(PYTHON)' command was not found)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# commands
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $2 path to folder with setup.py, this uses pip from the OS
quiet_cmd_pyinstall = INSTALL $2
cmd_pyinstall = $(PIP) $(PIP_VERBOSE) install $(PIP_INST) -e $2$(PY_SETUP_EXTRAS)
# $2 path to folder with setup.py, this uses pip from pyenv (not OS!)
quiet_cmd_pyenvinstall = PYENV install $2
cmd_pyenvinstall = $(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip $(PIP_VERBOSE) install -e $2$(PY_SETUP_EXTRAS)
# Uninstall the package. Since pip does not uninstall the no longer needed
# depencies (something like autoremove) the depencies remain.
# $2 package name to uninstall, this uses pip from the OS.
quiet_cmd_pyuninstall = UNINSTALL $2
cmd_pyuninstall = $(PIP) $(PIP_VERBOSE) uninstall --yes $2
# $2 path to folder with setup.py, this uses pip from pyenv (not OS!)
quiet_cmd_pyenvuninstall = PYENV uninstall $2
cmd_pyenvuninstall = $(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip $(PIP_VERBOSE) uninstall --yes $2
# $2 path to folder where virtualenv take place
quiet_cmd_virtualenv = PYENV usage: $ source ./$@/bin/activate
cmd_virtualenv = \
if [ ! -d "./$(PY_ENV)" ];then \
$(PYTHON) -m venv $(VTENV_OPTS) $2; \
else \
echo "PYENV using virtualenv from $2"; \
# $2 path to lint
quiet_cmd_pylint = LINT $@
cmd_pylint = $(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pylint --rcfile $(PYLINT_RC) $2
quiet_cmd_pytest = TEST $@
cmd_pytest = $(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m tox -vv
# setuptools, pip, easy_install its a mess full of cracks, a documentation hell
# and broken by design ... all sucks, I really, really hate all this ... aaargh!
# About python packaging see `Python Packaging Authority`_. Most of the names
# here are mapped to ``setup(<name1>=..., <name2>=...)`` arguments in
# ``setup.py``. See `Packaging and distributing projects`_ about ``setup(...)``
# arguments. If this is all new for you, start with `PyPI Quick and Dirty`_.
# Further read:
# - pythonwheels_
# - setuptools_
# - packaging_
# - sdist_
# - installing_
# .. _`Python Packaging Authority`: https://www.pypa.io
# .. _`Packaging and distributing projects`: https://packaging.python.org/guides/distributing-packages-using-setuptools/
# .. _`PyPI Quick and Dirty`: https://hynek.me/articles/sharing-your-labor-of-love-pypi-quick-and-dirty/
# .. _pythonwheels: https://pythonwheels.com/
# .. _setuptools: https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/setuptools.html
# .. _packaging: https://packaging.python.org/guides/distributing-packages-using-setuptools/#packaging-and-distributing-projects
# .. _sdist: https://packaging.python.org/guides/distributing-packages-using-setuptools/#source-distributions
# .. _bdist_wheel: https://packaging.python.org/guides/distributing-packages-using-setuptools/#pure-python-wheels
# .. _installing: https://packaging.python.org/tutorials/installing-packages/
quiet_cmd_pybuild = BUILD $@
cmd_pybuild = $(PY_ENV_BIN)/python setup.py \
sdist -d $(PYDIST) \
bdist_wheel --bdist-dir $(PYBUILD) -d $(PYDIST)
quiet_cmd_pyclean = CLEAN $@
# remove 'build' folder since bdist_wheel does not care the --bdist-dir
cmd_pyclean = \
rm -rf $(PYDIST) $(PYBUILD) $(PY_ENV) ./.tox *.egg-info ;\
find . -name '*.pyc' -exec rm -f {} + ;\
find . -name '*.pyo' -exec rm -f {} + ;\
find . -name __pycache__ -exec rm -rf {} +
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# targets
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# for installation use the pip from the OS!
PHONY += pyinstall
pyinstall: pip-exe
$(call cmd,pyinstall,.)
PHONY += pyuninstall
pyuninstall: pip-exe
$(call cmd,pyuninstall,$(PYOBJECTS))
# for installation use the pip from PY_ENV (not the OS)!
PHONY += pyenvinstall
pyenvinstall: $(PY_ENV)
$(call cmd,pyenvinstall,.)
PHONY += pyenvuninstall
pyenvuninstall: $(PY_ENV)
$(call cmd,pyenvuninstall,$(PYOBJECTS))
PHONY += pyclean
$(call cmd,pyclean)
# to build *local* environment, python from the OS is needed!
pyenv: $(PY_ENV)
$(PY_ENV): python-exe
$(call cmd,virtualenv,$(PY_ENV))
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip install $(PIP_VERBOSE) -U pip wheel pip setuptools
$(Q)$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip install $(PIP_VERBOSE) -r requirements.txt
PHONY += pylint-exe
pylint-exe: $(PY_ENV)
@$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip $(PIP_VERBOSE) install pylint
PHONY += pylint
pylint: pylint-exe
$(call cmd,pylint,$(PYOBJECTS))
PHONY += pybuild
pybuild: $(PY_ENV)
$(call cmd,pybuild)
PHONY += pytest
pytest: $(PY_ENV)
$(call cmd,pytest)
PHONY += pydebug
# set breakpoint with:
# e.g. to run tests in debug mode in emacs use:
# 'M-x pdb' ... 'make pydebug'
pydebug: $(PY_ENV)
# install / uninstall python objects into virtualenv (PYENV)
pyenv-install: $(PY_ENV)
@$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip $(PIP_VERBOSE) install -e .
@echo "ACTIVATE $(call normpath,$(PY_ENV_ACT)) "
pyenv-uninstall: $(PY_ENV)
@$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -m pip $(PIP_VERBOSE) uninstall --yes .
# runs python interpreter from ./local/py<N>/bin/python
pyenv-python: pyenv-install
$(PY_ENV_BIN)/python -i
# With 'dependency_links=' setuptools supports dependencies on packages hosted
# on other reposetories then PyPi, see "Packages Not On PyPI" [1]. The big
# drawback is, due to security reasons (I don't know where the security gate on
# PyPi is), this feature is not supported by pip [2]. Thats why an upload to
# PyPi is required and since uploads via setuptools is not recommended, we have
# to imstall / use twine ... its really a mess.
# [1] https://python-packaging.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dependencies.html#packages-not-on-pypi
# [2] https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/1519
# https://github.com/pypa/twine
PHONY += upload-pypi
upload-pypi: pyclean pyenvinstall pybuild
@$(PY_ENV_BIN)/twine upload $(PYDIST)/*