mirror of https://github.com/searxng/searxng.git synced 2024-07-15 22:00:12 +02:00
Markus Heiser c9cd376186 [mod] replace searx.languages by searx.sxng_locales
With the language and region tags from the EngineTraitsMap the handling of
SearXNG's tags of languages and regions has been normalized and is no longer
a *mystery*.  The "languages" became "locales" that are supported by babel and
by this, the update_engine_traits.py can be simplified a lot.

Other code places can be simplified as well, but these simplifications
should (respectively can) only be done when none of the engines work with the
deprecated EngineTraits.supported_languages interface anymore.

This commit replaces searx.languages by searx.sxng_locales and fix the naming of
some names from "language" to "locale" (e.g. language_codes --> sxng_locales).

Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@darmarit.de>
2023-03-24 10:37:42 +01:00

219 lines
7.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# lint: pylint
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Fetch OSM keys and tags.
To get the i18n names, the scripts uses `Wikidata Query Service`_ instead of for
example `OSM tags API`_ (sidenote: the actual change log from
map.atownsend.org.uk_ might be useful to normalize OSM tags).
Output file: :origin:`searx/data/osm_keys_tags` (:origin:`CI Update data ...
.. _Wikidata Query Service: https://query.wikidata.org/
.. _OSM tags API: https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/taginfo/apidoc
.. _map.atownsend.org.uk: https://map.atownsend.org.uk/maps/map/changelog.html
Wikidata SPARQL query that returns *type-categories* and *types*. The
returned tag is ``Tag:{category}={type}`` (see :py:func:`get_tags`).
- https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/building=house#overview
- https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:building%3Dhouse
at the bottom of the infobox (right side), there is a link to wikidata:
see property "OpenStreetMap tag or key" (P1282)
- https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag%3Abuilding%3Dbungalow
Wikidata SPARQL query that returns *keys*. Example with "payment":
- https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key%3Apayment
at the bottom of infobox (right side), there is a link to wikidata:
link made using the "OpenStreetMap tag or key" property (P1282)
to be confirm: there is a one wiki page per key ?
- https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/payment#values
- https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/payment:cash#values
``rdfs:label`` get all the labels without language selection
(as opposed to SERVICE ``wikibase:label``).
import json
import collections
from pathlib import Path
from searx import searx_dir
from searx.network import set_timeout_for_thread
from searx.engines import wikidata, set_loggers
from searx.sxng_locales import sxng_locales
from searx.engines.openstreetmap import get_key_rank, VALUE_TO_LINK
set_loggers(wikidata, 'wikidata')
SELECT ?tag ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
?item wdt:P1282 ?tag .
?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel .
GROUP BY ?tag ?item ?itemLabel
ORDER BY ?tag ?item ?itemLabel
SELECT ?key ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
?item wdt:P1282 ?key .
?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel .
GROUP BY ?key ?item ?itemLabel
ORDER BY ?key ?item ?itemLabel
LANGUAGES = [l[0].lower() for l in sxng_locales]
('wikidata',): {'en': 'Wikidata'},
('wikipedia',): {'en': 'Wikipedia'},
('email',): {'en': 'Email'},
('facebook',): {'en': 'Facebook'},
('fax',): {'en': 'Fax'},
('internet_access', 'ssid'): {'en': 'Wi-Fi'},
INCLUDED_KEYS = {('addr',)}
def get_preset_keys():
results = collections.OrderedDict()
for keys, value in PRESET_KEYS.items():
r = results
for k in keys:
r = r.setdefault(k, {})
r.setdefault('*', value)
return results
def get_keys():
results = get_preset_keys()
response = wikidata.send_wikidata_query(SPARQL_KEYS_REQUEST)
for key in response['results']['bindings']:
keys = key['key']['value'].split(':')[1:]
if keys[0] == 'currency' and len(keys) > 1:
# special case in openstreetmap.py
if keys[0] == 'contact' and len(keys) > 1:
# label for the key "contact.email" is "Email"
# whatever the language
r = results.setdefault('contact', {})
r[keys[1]] = {'*': {'en': keys[1]}}
if tuple(keys) in PRESET_KEYS:
# skip presets (already set above)
if (
get_key_rank(':'.join(keys)) is None
and ':'.join(keys) not in VALUE_TO_LINK
and tuple(keys) not in INCLUDED_KEYS
# keep only keys that will be displayed by openstreetmap.py
label = key['itemLabel']['value'].lower()
lang = key['itemLabel']['xml:lang']
r = results
for k in keys:
r = r.setdefault(k, {})
r = r.setdefault('*', {})
if lang in LANGUAGES:
r.setdefault(lang, label)
# special cases
for k, v in results['delivery']['*'].items():
results['delivery']['covid19']['*'][k] = v + ' (COVID19)'
for k, v in results['opening_hours']['*'].items():
results['opening_hours']['covid19']['*'][k] = v + ' (COVID19)'
return results
def get_tags():
results = collections.OrderedDict()
response = wikidata.send_wikidata_query(SPARQL_TAGS_REQUEST)
for tag in response['results']['bindings']:
tag_names = tag['tag']['value'].split(':')[1].split('=')
if len(tag_names) == 2:
tag_category, tag_type = tag_names
tag_category, tag_type = tag_names[0], ''
label = tag['itemLabel']['value'].lower()
lang = tag['itemLabel']['xml:lang']
if lang in LANGUAGES:
results.setdefault(tag_category, {}).setdefault(tag_type, {}).setdefault(lang, label)
return results
def optimize_data_lang(translations):
language_to_delete = []
# remove "zh-hk" entry if the value is the same as "zh"
# same for "en-ca" / "en" etc...
for language in translations:
if '-' in language:
base_language = language.split('-')[0]
if translations.get(base_language) == translations.get(language):
for language in language_to_delete:
del translations[language]
language_to_delete = []
# remove entries that have the same value than the "en" entry
value_en = translations.get('en')
if value_en:
for language, value in translations.items():
if language != 'en' and value == value_en:
for language in language_to_delete:
del translations[language]
def optimize_tags(data):
for v in data.values():
for translations in v.values():
return data
def optimize_keys(data):
for k, v in data.items():
if k == '*':
elif isinstance(v, dict):
return data
def get_osm_tags_filename():
return Path(searx_dir) / "data" / "osm_keys_tags.json"
if __name__ == '__main__':
result = {
'keys': optimize_keys(get_keys()),
'tags': optimize_tags(get_tags()),
with open(get_osm_tags_filename(), 'w', encoding="utf8") as f:
json.dump(result, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True)