mirror of https://github.com/searxng/searxng.git synced 2024-10-06 11:30:11 +02:00
Marc Abonce Seguin 9b6ffed061 fix fetch_languages for bing
Bing has a list of regions that it supports and some of these regions
may have more than one possible language.

In some cases, like Switzerland, these languages are always shown as
options, so there is no issue. But in other cases, like Andorra, Bing
will only show one language at the time, either the region's default or
the request's language if the latter is supported by that region.

For example, if the HTTP request is in French, Andorra will appear as
fr-AD but if the same page is requested in any other language Andorra
will appear as ca-AD.

This is specially a problem when Bing assumes that the request is in
English because it overrides enough language codes to make several major
languages like Arabic dissappear from the languages.py file.

To avoid that issue, I set the Accept-Language header to a language
that's only supported in one region to hopefully avoid these overrides.
2021-02-25 23:51:49 -07:00

336 lines
12 KiB

searx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
searx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with searx. If not, see < http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ >.
(C) 2013- by Adam Tauber, <asciimoo@gmail.com>
import sys
import threading
from os.path import realpath, dirname
from babel.localedata import locale_identifiers
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from flask_babel import gettext
from operator import itemgetter
from searx import settings
from searx import logger
from searx.data import ENGINES_LANGUAGES
from searx.poolrequests import get, get_proxy_cycles
from searx.utils import load_module, match_language, get_engine_from_settings, gen_useragent
logger = logger.getChild('engines')
engine_dir = dirname(realpath(__file__))
engines = {}
categories = {'general': []}
babel_langs = [lang_parts[0] + '-' + lang_parts[-1] if len(lang_parts) > 1 else lang_parts[0]
for lang_parts in (lang_code.split('_') for lang_code in locale_identifiers())]
engine_shortcuts = {}
engine_default_args = {'paging': False,
'categories': ['general'],
'supported_languages': [],
'safesearch': False,
'timeout': settings['outgoing']['request_timeout'],
'shortcut': '-',
'disabled': False,
'suspend_end_time': 0,
'continuous_errors': 0,
'time_range_support': False,
'engine_type': 'online',
'display_error_messages': True,
'tokens': []}
def load_engine(engine_data):
engine_name = engine_data['name']
if '_' in engine_name:
logger.error('Engine name contains underscore: "{}"'.format(engine_name))
if engine_name.lower() != engine_name:
logger.warn('Engine name is not lowercase: "{}", converting to lowercase'.format(engine_name))
engine_name = engine_name.lower()
engine_data['name'] = engine_name
engine_module = engine_data['engine']
engine = load_module(engine_module + '.py', engine_dir)
except (SyntaxError, KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, SystemError, ImportError, RuntimeError):
logger.exception('Fatal exception in engine "{}"'.format(engine_module))
logger.exception('Cannot load engine "{}"'.format(engine_module))
return None
for param_name, param_value in engine_data.items():
if param_name == 'engine':
elif param_name == 'categories':
if param_value == 'none':
engine.categories = []
engine.categories = list(map(str.strip, param_value.split(',')))
elif param_name == 'proxies':
engine.proxies = get_proxy_cycles(param_value)
setattr(engine, param_name, param_value)
for arg_name, arg_value in engine_default_args.items():
if not hasattr(engine, arg_name):
setattr(engine, arg_name, arg_value)
# checking required variables
for engine_attr in dir(engine):
if engine_attr.startswith('_'):
if engine_attr == 'inactive' and getattr(engine, engine_attr) is True:
return None
if getattr(engine, engine_attr) is None:
logger.error('Missing engine config attribute: "{0}.{1}"'
.format(engine.name, engine_attr))
# assign supported languages from json file
if engine_data['name'] in ENGINES_LANGUAGES:
setattr(engine, 'supported_languages', ENGINES_LANGUAGES[engine_data['name']])
# find custom aliases for non standard language codes
if hasattr(engine, 'supported_languages'):
if hasattr(engine, 'language_aliases'):
language_aliases = getattr(engine, 'language_aliases')
language_aliases = {}
for engine_lang in getattr(engine, 'supported_languages'):
iso_lang = match_language(engine_lang, babel_langs, fallback=None)
if iso_lang and iso_lang != engine_lang and not engine_lang.startswith(iso_lang) and \
iso_lang not in getattr(engine, 'supported_languages'):
language_aliases[iso_lang] = engine_lang
setattr(engine, 'language_aliases', language_aliases)
# language_support
setattr(engine, 'language_support', len(getattr(engine, 'supported_languages', [])) > 0)
# assign language fetching method if auxiliary method exists
if hasattr(engine, '_fetch_supported_languages'):
headers = {
'User-Agent': gen_useragent(),
'Accept-Language': 'ja-JP,ja;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', # bing needs a non-English language
setattr(engine, 'fetch_supported_languages',
lambda: engine._fetch_supported_languages(get(engine.supported_languages_url, headers=headers)))
engine.stats = {
'sent_search_count': 0, # sent search
'search_count': 0, # succesful search
'result_count': 0,
'engine_time': 0,
'engine_time_count': 0,
'score_count': 0,
'errors': 0
engine_type = getattr(engine, 'engine_type', 'online')
if engine_type != 'offline':
engine.stats['page_load_time'] = 0
engine.stats['page_load_count'] = 0
# tor related settings
if settings['outgoing'].get('using_tor_proxy'):
# use onion url if using tor.
if hasattr(engine, 'onion_url'):
engine.search_url = engine.onion_url + getattr(engine, 'search_path', '')
elif 'onions' in engine.categories:
# exclude onion engines if not using tor.
return None
engine.timeout += settings['outgoing'].get('extra_proxy_timeout', 0)
for category_name in engine.categories:
categories.setdefault(category_name, []).append(engine)
if engine.shortcut in engine_shortcuts:
logger.error('Engine config error: ambigious shortcut: {0}'.format(engine.shortcut))
engine_shortcuts[engine.shortcut] = engine.name
return engine
def to_percentage(stats, maxvalue):
for engine_stat in stats:
if maxvalue:
engine_stat['percentage'] = int(engine_stat['avg'] / maxvalue * 100)
engine_stat['percentage'] = 0
return stats
def get_engines_stats(preferences):
# TODO refactor
pageloads = []
engine_times = []
results = []
scores = []
errors = []
scores_per_result = []
max_pageload = max_engine_times = max_results = max_score = max_errors = max_score_per_result = 0 # noqa
for engine in engines.values():
if not preferences.validate_token(engine):
if engine.stats['search_count'] == 0:
results_num = \
engine.stats['result_count'] / float(engine.stats['search_count'])
if engine.stats['engine_time_count'] != 0:
this_engine_time = engine.stats['engine_time'] / float(engine.stats['engine_time_count']) # noqa
this_engine_time = 0
if results_num:
score = engine.stats['score_count'] / float(engine.stats['search_count']) # noqa
score_per_result = score / results_num
score = score_per_result = 0.0
if engine.engine_type != 'offline':
load_times = 0
if engine.stats['page_load_count'] != 0:
load_times = engine.stats['page_load_time'] / float(engine.stats['page_load_count']) # noqa
max_pageload = max(load_times, max_pageload)
pageloads.append({'avg': load_times, 'name': engine.name})
max_engine_times = max(this_engine_time, max_engine_times)
max_results = max(results_num, max_results)
max_score = max(score, max_score)
max_score_per_result = max(score_per_result, max_score_per_result)
max_errors = max(max_errors, engine.stats['errors'])
engine_times.append({'avg': this_engine_time, 'name': engine.name})
results.append({'avg': results_num, 'name': engine.name})
scores.append({'avg': score, 'name': engine.name})
errors.append({'avg': engine.stats['errors'], 'name': engine.name})
'avg': score_per_result,
'name': engine.name
pageloads = to_percentage(pageloads, max_pageload)
engine_times = to_percentage(engine_times, max_engine_times)
results = to_percentage(results, max_results)
scores = to_percentage(scores, max_score)
scores_per_result = to_percentage(scores_per_result, max_score_per_result)
errors = to_percentage(errors, max_errors)
return [
gettext('Engine time (sec)'),
sorted(engine_times, key=itemgetter('avg'))
gettext('Page loads (sec)'),
sorted(pageloads, key=itemgetter('avg'))
gettext('Number of results'),
sorted(results, key=itemgetter('avg'), reverse=True)
sorted(scores, key=itemgetter('avg'), reverse=True)
gettext('Scores per result'),
sorted(scores_per_result, key=itemgetter('avg'), reverse=True)
sorted(errors, key=itemgetter('avg'), reverse=True)
def load_engines(engine_list):
global engines, engine_shortcuts
for engine_data in engine_list:
engine = load_engine(engine_data)
if engine is not None:
engines[engine.name] = engine
return engines
def initialize_engines(engine_list):
def engine_init(engine_name, init_fn):
except Exception:
logger.exception('%s engine: Fail to initialize', engine_name)
logger.debug('%s engine: Initialized', engine_name)
for engine_name, engine in engines.items():
if hasattr(engine, 'init'):
init_fn = getattr(engine, 'init')
if init_fn:
logger.debug('%s engine: Starting background initialization', engine_name)
threading.Thread(target=engine_init, args=(engine_name, init_fn)).start()
def _set_https_support_for_engine(engine):
# check HTTPS support if it is not disabled
if engine.engine_type != 'offline' and not hasattr(engine, 'https_support'):
params = engine.request('http_test', {
'method': 'GET',
'headers': {},
'data': {},
'url': '',
'cookies': {},
'verify': True,
'auth': None,
'pageno': 1,
'time_range': None,
'language': '',
'safesearch': False,
'is_test': True,
'category': 'files',
'raise_for_status': True,
if 'url' not in params:
parsed_url = urlparse(params['url'])
https_support = parsed_url.scheme == 'https'
setattr(engine, 'https_support', https_support)