mirror of https://github.com/searxng/searxng.git synced 2024-10-05 19:10:10 +02:00
Alexandre Flament ab569c1e12 [fix] openstreetmap engine: optmizer SPARQL query
hint:Query hint:optimizer "None".
to the SPARQL query to keep the response time small.

It tells the optimizer to follow the path from ?item to the different property values
instead of the other way around.
See https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_query_service/query_optimization#Property_paths
2021-09-25 11:16:22 +02:00

443 lines
15 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
# lint: pylint
"""OpenStreetMap (Map)
import re
from json import loads
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from functools import partial
from flask_babel import gettext
from searx.data import OSM_KEYS_TAGS, CURRENCIES
from searx.utils import searx_useragent
from searx.external_urls import get_external_url
from searx.engines.wikidata import send_wikidata_query, sparql_string_escape
# about
about = {
"website": 'https://www.openstreetmap.org/',
"wikidata_id": 'Q936',
"official_api_documentation": 'http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim',
"use_official_api": True,
"require_api_key": False,
"results": 'JSON',
# engine dependent config
categories = ['map']
paging = False
# search-url
base_url = 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/'
search_string = 'search?{query}&polygon_geojson=1&format=jsonv2&addressdetails=1&extratags=1&dedupe=1'
result_id_url = 'https://openstreetmap.org/{osm_type}/{osm_id}'
result_lat_lon_url = 'https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat={lat}&mlon={lon}&zoom={zoom}&layers=M'
route_url = 'https://graphhopper.com/maps/?point={}&point={}&locale=en-US&vehicle=car&weighting=fastest&turn_costs=true&use_miles=false&layer=Omniscale' # pylint: disable=line-too-long
route_re = re.compile('(?:from )?(.+) to (.+)')
wikidata_image_sparql = """
select ?item ?itemLabel ?image ?sign ?symbol ?website ?wikipediaName
where {
hint:Query hint:optimizer "None".
values ?item { %WIKIDATA_IDS% }
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18|wdt:P8517|wdt:P4291|wdt:P5252|wdt:P3451|wdt:P4640|wdt:P5775|wdt:P2716|wdt:P1801|wdt:P4896 ?image }
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1766|wdt:P8505|wdt:P8667 ?sign }
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P41|wdt:P94|wdt:P154|wdt:P158|wdt:P2910|wdt:P4004|wdt:P5962|wdt:P8972 ?symbol }
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P856 ?website }
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "%LANGUAGE%,en".
?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel .
?wikipediaUrl schema:about ?item;
schema:isPartOf/wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia";
schema:name ?wikipediaName;
schema:inLanguage "%LANGUAGE%" .
ORDER by ?item
# key value that are link: mapping functions
# 'mapillary': P1947
# but https://github.com/kartaview/openstreetcam.org/issues/60
# but https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/kartaview ...
def value_to_https_link(value):
http = 'http://'
if value.startswith(http):
value = 'https://' + value[len(http) :]
return (value, value)
def value_to_website_link(value):
value = value.split(';')[0]
return (value, value)
def value_wikipedia_link(value):
value = value.split(':', 1)
return ('https://{0}.wikipedia.org/wiki/{1}'.format(*value), '{1} ({0})'.format(*value))
def value_with_prefix(prefix, value):
return (prefix + value, value)
'website': value_to_website_link,
'contact:website': value_to_website_link,
'email': partial(value_with_prefix, 'mailto:'),
'contact:email': partial(value_with_prefix, 'mailto:'),
'contact:phone': partial(value_with_prefix, 'tel:'),
'phone': partial(value_with_prefix, 'tel:'),
'fax': partial(value_with_prefix, 'fax:'),
'contact:fax': partial(value_with_prefix, 'fax:'),
'contact:mastodon': value_to_https_link,
'facebook': value_to_https_link,
'contact:facebook': value_to_https_link,
'contact:foursquare': value_to_https_link,
'contact:instagram': value_to_https_link,
'contact:linkedin': value_to_https_link,
'contact:pinterest': value_to_https_link,
'contact:telegram': value_to_https_link,
'contact:tripadvisor': value_to_https_link,
'contact:twitter': value_to_https_link,
'contact:yelp': value_to_https_link,
'contact:youtube': value_to_https_link,
'contact:webcam': value_to_website_link,
'wikipedia': value_wikipedia_link,
'wikidata': partial(value_with_prefix, 'https://wikidata.org/wiki/'),
'brand:wikidata': partial(value_with_prefix, 'https://wikidata.org/wiki/'),
KEY_RANKS = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(KEY_ORDER)}
def request(query, params):
"""do search-request"""
params['url'] = base_url + search_string.format(query=urlencode({'q': query}))
params['route'] = route_re.match(query)
params['headers']['User-Agent'] = searx_useragent()
return params
def response(resp):
"""get response from search-request"""
results = []
nominatim_json = loads(resp.text)
user_language = resp.search_params['language']
if resp.search_params['route']:
'answer': gettext('Get directions'),
'url': route_url.format(*resp.search_params['route'].groups()),
fetch_wikidata(nominatim_json, user_language)
for result in nominatim_json:
title, address = get_title_address(result)
# ignore result without title
if not title:
url, osm, geojson = get_url_osm_geojson(result)
img_src = get_img_src(result)
links, link_keys = get_links(result, user_language)
data = get_data(result, user_language, link_keys)
'template': 'map.html',
'title': title,
'address': address,
'address_label': get_key_label('addr', user_language),
'url': url,
'osm': osm,
'geojson': geojson,
'img_src': img_src,
'links': links,
'data': data,
'type': get_tag_label(
result.get('category'), result.get('type', ''), user_language
'type_icon': result.get('icon'),
'content': '',
'longitude': result['lon'],
'latitude': result['lat'],
'boundingbox': result['boundingbox'],
return results
def get_wikipedia_image(raw_value):
if not raw_value:
return None
return get_external_url('wikimedia_image', raw_value)
def fetch_wikidata(nominatim_json, user_langage):
"""Update nominatim_json using the result of an unique to wikidata
For result in nominatim_json:
If result['extratags']['wikidata'] or r['extratags']['wikidata link']:
Set result['wikidata'] to { 'image': ..., 'image_sign':..., 'image_symbal':... }
Set result['extratags']['wikipedia'] if not defined
Set result['extratags']['contact:website'] if not defined
wikidata_ids = []
wd_to_results = {}
for result in nominatim_json:
e = result.get("extratags")
if e:
# ignore brand:wikidata
wd_id = e.get("wikidata", e.get("wikidata link"))
if wd_id and wd_id not in wikidata_ids:
wikidata_ids.append("wd:" + wd_id)
wd_to_results.setdefault(wd_id, []).append(result)
if wikidata_ids:
user_langage = 'en' if user_langage == 'all' else user_langage
wikidata_ids_str = " ".join(wikidata_ids)
query = wikidata_image_sparql.replace('%WIKIDATA_IDS%', sparql_string_escape(wikidata_ids_str)).replace(
'%LANGUAGE%', sparql_string_escape(user_langage)
wikidata_json = send_wikidata_query(query)
for wd_result in wikidata_json.get('results', {}).get('bindings', {}):
wd_id = wd_result['item']['value'].replace('http://www.wikidata.org/entity/', '')
for result in wd_to_results.get(wd_id, []):
result['wikidata'] = {
'itemLabel': wd_result['itemLabel']['value'],
'image': get_wikipedia_image(wd_result.get('image', {}).get('value')),
'image_sign': get_wikipedia_image(wd_result.get('sign', {}).get('value')),
'image_symbol': get_wikipedia_image(wd_result.get('symbol', {}).get('value')),
# overwrite wikipedia link
wikipedia_name = wd_result.get('wikipediaName', {}).get('value')
if wikipedia_name:
result['extratags']['wikipedia'] = user_langage + ':' + wikipedia_name
# get website if not already defined
website = wd_result.get('website', {}).get('value')
if (
and not result['extratags'].get('contact:website')
and not result['extratags'].get('website')
result['extratags']['contact:website'] = website
def get_title_address(result):
"""Return title and address
title may be None
address_raw = result.get('address')
address_name = None
address = {}
# get name
if (
result['category'] == 'amenity'
or result['category'] == 'shop'
or result['category'] == 'tourism'
or result['category'] == 'leisure'
if address_raw.get('address29'):
# https://github.com/osm-search/Nominatim/issues/1662
address_name = address_raw.get('address29')
address_name = address_raw.get(result['category'])
elif result['type'] in address_raw:
address_name = address_raw.get(result['type'])
# add rest of adressdata, if something is already found
if address_name:
title = address_name
'name': address_name,
'house_number': address_raw.get('house_number'),
'road': address_raw.get('road'),
'locality': address_raw.get(
'city', address_raw.get('town', address_raw.get('village')) # noqa
), # noqa
'postcode': address_raw.get('postcode'),
'country': address_raw.get('country'),
'country_code': address_raw.get('country_code'),
title = result.get('display_name')
return title, address
def get_url_osm_geojson(result):
"""Get url, osm and geojson
osm_type = result.get('osm_type', result.get('type'))
if 'osm_id' not in result:
# see https://github.com/osm-search/Nominatim/issues/1521
# query example: "EC1M 5RF London"
url = result_lat_lon_url.format(lat=result['lat'], lon=result['lon'], zoom=12)
osm = {}
url = result_id_url.format(osm_type=osm_type, osm_id=result['osm_id'])
osm = {'type': osm_type, 'id': result['osm_id']}
geojson = result.get('geojson')
# if no geojson is found and osm_type is a node, add geojson Point
if not geojson and osm_type == 'node':
geojson = {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': [result['lon'], result['lat']]}
return url, osm, geojson
def get_img_src(result):
"""Get image URL from either wikidata or r['extratags']"""
# wikidata
img_src = None
if 'wikidata' in result:
img_src = result['wikidata']['image']
if not img_src:
img_src = result['wikidata']['image_symbol']
if not img_src:
img_src = result['wikidata']['image_sign']
# img_src
if not img_src and result.get('extratags', {}).get('image'):
img_src = result['extratags']['image']
del result['extratags']['image']
if not img_src and result.get('extratags', {}).get('wikimedia_commons'):
img_src = get_external_url('wikimedia_image', result['extratags']['wikimedia_commons'])
del result['extratags']['wikimedia_commons']
return img_src
def get_links(result, user_language):
"""Return links from result['extratags']"""
links = []
link_keys = set()
for k, mapping_function in VALUE_TO_LINK.items():
raw_value = result['extratags'].get(k)
if raw_value:
url, url_label = mapping_function(raw_value)
if url.startswith('https://wikidata.org'):
url_label = result.get('wikidata', {}).get('itemLabel') or url_label
'label': get_key_label(k, user_language),
'url': url,
'url_label': url_label,
return links, link_keys
def get_data(result, user_language, ignore_keys):
"""Return key, value of result['extratags']
Must be call after get_links
Note: the values are not translated
data = []
for k, v in result['extratags'].items():
if k in ignore_keys:
if get_key_rank(k) is None:
k_label = get_key_label(k, user_language)
if k_label:
'label': k_label,
'key': k,
'value': v,
data.sort(key=lambda entry: (get_key_rank(entry['key']), entry['label']))
return data
def get_key_rank(k):
"""Get OSM key rank
The rank defines in which order the key are displayed in the HTML result
key_rank = KEY_RANKS.get(k)
if key_rank is None:
# "payment:*" in KEY_ORDER matches "payment:cash", "payment:debit card", etc...
key_rank = KEY_RANKS.get(k.split(':')[0] + ':*')
return key_rank
def get_label(labels, lang):
"""Get label from labels in OSM_KEYS_TAGS
in OSM_KEYS_TAGS, labels have key == '*'
tag_label = labels.get(lang.lower())
if tag_label is None:
# example: if 'zh-hk' is not found, check 'zh'
tag_label = labels.get(lang.split('-')[0])
if tag_label is None and lang != 'en':
# example: if 'zh' is not found, check 'en'
tag_label = labels.get('en')
if tag_label is None and len(labels.values()) > 0:
# example: if still not found, use the first entry
tag_label = labels.values()[0]
return tag_label
def get_tag_label(tag_category, tag_name, lang):
"""Get tag label from OSM_KEYS_TAGS"""
tag_name = '' if tag_name is None else tag_name
tag_labels = OSM_KEYS_TAGS['tags'].get(tag_category, {}).get(tag_name, {})
return get_label(tag_labels, lang)
def get_key_label(key_name, lang):
"""Get key label from OSM_KEYS_TAGS"""
if key_name.startswith('currency:'):
# currency:EUR --> get the name from the CURRENCIES variable
# see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key%3Acurrency
# and for exampe https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/currency:EUR#values
# but there is also currency=EUR (currently not handled)
# https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/currency#values
currency = key_name.split(':')
if len(currency) > 1:
o = CURRENCIES['iso4217'].get(currency)
if o:
return get_label(o, lang).lower()
return currency
labels = OSM_KEYS_TAGS['keys']
for k in key_name.split(':') + ['*']:
labels = labels.get(k)
if labels is None:
return None
return get_label(labels, lang)