87 lines
3.4 KiB
87 lines
3.4 KiB
from PIL import Image
import imagehash
import os
import numpy as np
import csv
def writeCSV(dirname, i1, i2):
with open("duplicates.csv", "a") as file:
writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=',')
writer.writerow([dirname+i1, dirname+i2])
class DuplicateRemover:
extensions = ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'webp']
def __init__(self,dirname,hash_size = 8):
self.dirname = dirname
self.hash_size = hash_size
def find_duplicates(self, verbose=True, exportCSV=True):
Find and Delete Duplicates
fnames = os.listdir(self.dirname)
hashes = {}
duplicates = []
if verbose:
print("Finding Duplicates Now!\n")
for image in fnames:
if list(image.lower().split('.'))[-1] in self.extensions:
with Image.open(os.path.join(self.dirname,image)) as img:
temp_hash = imagehash.average_hash(img, self.hash_size)
if temp_hash in hashes:
if verbose:
print("Duplicate {} \nfound for Image {}!\n".format(image,hashes[temp_hash]))
if exportCSV:
writeCSV(self.dirname, image, hashes[temp_hash])
hashes[temp_hash] = image
except Exception as error:
print("Error: The following error occured:\n",image,"\n",error,"\n")
if len(duplicates) != 0:
if verbose:
a = input("Do you want to delete these {} Images? Press Y or N: ".format(len(duplicates)))
a = 'y'
space_saved = 0
if(a.strip().lower() == "y"):
for duplicate in duplicates:
space_saved += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(self.dirname,duplicate))
if verbose:
print("{} Deleted Succesfully!".format(duplicate))
if verbose:
print("\n\nYou saved {} mb of Space!".format(round(space_saved/1000000),2))
if verbose:
print("Thank you for Using Duplicate Remover")
if verbose:
print("No Duplicates Found :(")
def find_similar(self,location,similarity=80,verbose=True):
fnames = os.listdir(self.dirname)
threshold = 1 - similarity/100
diff_limit = int(threshold*(self.hash_size**2))
with Image.open(location) as img:
hash1 = imagehash.average_hash(img, self.hash_size).hash
if verbose:
print("Finding Similar Images to {} Now!\n".format(location))
for image in fnames:
if list(image.lower().split('.'))[-1] in self.extensions:
with Image.open(os.path.join(self.dirname,image)) as img:
hash2 = imagehash.average_hash(img, self.hash_size).hash
if np.count_nonzero(hash1 != hash2) <= diff_limit:
if verbose:
print("{} image found {}% similar to {}".format(image,similarity,location))