mirror of https://github.com/donaldzou/WGDashboard.git synced 2024-11-21 23:01:39 +01:00

Fixed multiple IP address on a Configuration

This commit is contained in:
Donald Zou 2024-08-25 15:14:09 +08:00
parent 79c03db9a0
commit 453d474104

View File

@ -442,6 +442,8 @@ class WireguardConfiguration:
return self.message
def __init__(self, name: str = None, data: dict = None):
print(f"Initialized {name}")
self.__parser: configparser.ConfigParser = configparser.ConfigParser(strict=False)
self.__parser.optionxform = str
self.__configFileModifiedTime = None
@ -588,83 +590,87 @@ class WireguardConfiguration:
restricted = sqlSelect("SELECT * FROM '%s_restrict_access'" % self.Name).fetchall()
for i in restricted:
self.RestrictedPeers.append(Peer(i, self))
def __getPeers(self):
def configurationFileChanged(self) :
mt = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(WG_CONF_PATH, f'{self.Name}.conf'))
# if self.__configFileModifiedTime is None or self.__configFileModifiedTime != mt:
self.Peers = []
with open(os.path.join(WG_CONF_PATH, f'{self.Name}.conf'), 'r') as configFile:
p = []
pCounter = -1
content = configFile.read().split('\n')
peerStarts = content.index("[Peer]")
content = content[peerStarts:]
for i in content:
if not regex_match("#(.*)", i) and not regex_match(";(.*)", i):
if i == "[Peer]":
pCounter += 1
p[pCounter]["name"] = ""
if len(i) > 0:
split = re.split(r'\s*=\s*', i, 1)
if len(split) == 2:
p[pCounter][split[0]] = split[1]
changed = self.__configFileModifiedTime is None or self.__configFileModifiedTime != mt
self.__configFileModifiedTime = mt
return changed
def __getPeers(self):
if self.configurationFileChanged():
self.Peers = []
with open(os.path.join(WG_CONF_PATH, f'{self.Name}.conf'), 'r') as configFile:
p = []
pCounter = -1
content = configFile.read().split('\n')
peerStarts = content.index("[Peer]")
content = content[peerStarts:]
for i in content:
if not regex_match("#(.*)", i) and not regex_match(";(.*)", i):
if i == "[Peer]":
pCounter += 1
p[pCounter]["name"] = ""
if len(i) > 0:
split = re.split(r'\s*=\s*', i, 1)
if len(split) == 2:
p[pCounter][split[0]] = split[1]
if regex_match("#Name# = (.*)", i):
split = re.split(r'\s*=\s*', i, 1)
if len(split) == 2:
p[pCounter]["name"] = split[1]
if regex_match("#Name# = (.*)", i):
split = re.split(r'\s*=\s*', i, 1)
if len(split) == 2:
p[pCounter]["name"] = split[1]
for i in p:
if "PublicKey" in i.keys():
checkIfExist = sqlSelect("SELECT * FROM '%s' WHERE id = ?" % self.Name,
if checkIfExist is None:
newPeer = {
"id": i['PublicKey'],
"private_key": "",
"DNS": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "peer_global_DNS")[1],
"endpoint_allowed_ip": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "peer_endpoint_allowed_ip")[
"name": i.get("name"),
"total_receive": 0,
"total_sent": 0,
"total_data": 0,
"endpoint": "N/A",
"status": "stopped",
"latest_handshake": "N/A",
"allowed_ip": i.get("AllowedIPs", "N/A"),
"cumu_receive": 0,
"cumu_sent": 0,
"cumu_data": 0,
"traffic": [],
"mtu": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "peer_mtu")[1],
"keepalive": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "peer_keep_alive")[1],
"remote_endpoint": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "remote_endpoint")[1],
"preshared_key": i["PresharedKey"] if "PresharedKey" in i.keys() else ""
VALUES (:id, :private_key, :DNS, :endpoint_allowed_ip, :name, :total_receive, :total_sent,
:total_data, :endpoint, :status, :latest_handshake, :allowed_ip, :cumu_receive, :cumu_sent,
:cumu_data, :mtu, :keepalive, :remote_endpoint, :preshared_key);
""" % self.Name
, newPeer)
# sqldb.commit()
self.Peers.append(Peer(newPeer, self))
sqlUpdate("UPDATE '%s' SET allowed_ip = ? WHERE id = ?" % self.Name,
(i.get("AllowedIPs", "N/A"), i['PublicKey'],))
# sqldb.commit()
self.Peers.append(Peer(checkIfExist, self))
except Exception as e:
print(f"[WGDashboard] {self.Name} Error: {str(e)}")
self.__configFileModifiedTime = mt
for i in p:
if "PublicKey" in i.keys():
checkIfExist = sqlSelect("SELECT * FROM '%s' WHERE id = ?" % self.Name,
if checkIfExist is None:
newPeer = {
"id": i['PublicKey'],
"private_key": "",
"DNS": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "peer_global_DNS")[1],
"endpoint_allowed_ip": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "peer_endpoint_allowed_ip")[
"name": i.get("name"),
"total_receive": 0,
"total_sent": 0,
"total_data": 0,
"endpoint": "N/A",
"status": "stopped",
"latest_handshake": "N/A",
"allowed_ip": i.get("AllowedIPs", "N/A"),
"cumu_receive": 0,
"cumu_sent": 0,
"cumu_data": 0,
"traffic": [],
"mtu": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "peer_mtu")[1],
"keepalive": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "peer_keep_alive")[1],
"remote_endpoint": DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Peers", "remote_endpoint")[1],
"preshared_key": i["PresharedKey"] if "PresharedKey" in i.keys() else ""
VALUES (:id, :private_key, :DNS, :endpoint_allowed_ip, :name, :total_receive, :total_sent,
:total_data, :endpoint, :status, :latest_handshake, :allowed_ip, :cumu_receive, :cumu_sent,
:cumu_data, :mtu, :keepalive, :remote_endpoint, :preshared_key);
""" % self.Name
, newPeer)
# sqldb.commit()
self.Peers.append(Peer(newPeer, self))
sqlUpdate("UPDATE '%s' SET allowed_ip = ? WHERE id = ?" % self.Name,
(i.get("AllowedIPs", "N/A"), i['PublicKey'],))
# sqldb.commit()
self.Peers.append(Peer(checkIfExist, self))
except Exception as e:
print(f"[WGDashboard] {self.Name} Error: {str(e)}")
def addPeers(self, peers: list):
for p in peers:
@ -1284,16 +1290,20 @@ def _regexMatch(regex, text):
return pattern.search(text) is not None
def _getConfigurationList() -> [WireguardConfiguration]:
configurations = {}
def _getConfigurationList():
# configurations = {}
for i in os.listdir(WG_CONF_PATH):
if _regexMatch("^(.{1,}).(conf)$", i):
i = i.replace('.conf', '')
configurations[i] = WireguardConfiguration(i)
if i in WireguardConfigurations.keys():
if WireguardConfigurations[i].configurationFileChanged():
WireguardConfigurations[i] = WireguardConfiguration(i)
WireguardConfigurations[i] = WireguardConfiguration(i)
except WireguardConfiguration.InvalidConfigurationFileException as e:
print(f"{i} have an invalid configuration file.")
return configurations
def _checkIPWithRange(ip):
@ -1354,8 +1364,7 @@ def _generatePrivateKey() -> [bool, str]:
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return False, None
def _getWireguardConfigurationAvailableIP(configName: str) -> tuple[bool, list[str]] | tuple[bool, None]:
def _getWireguardConfigurationAvailableIP(configName: str, all: bool = False) -> tuple[bool, list[str]] | tuple[bool, None]:
if configName not in WireguardConfigurations.keys():
return False, None
configuration = WireguardConfigurations[configName]
@ -1387,8 +1396,9 @@ def _getWireguardConfigurationAvailableIP(configName: str) -> tuple[bool, list[s
if h not in existedAddress:
count += 1
if network.version == 6 and count > 255:
if not all:
if network.version == 6 and count > 255:
return True, availableAddress
return False, None
@ -1534,7 +1544,7 @@ def API_SignOut():
@app.route(f'{APP_PREFIX}/api/getWireguardConfigurations', methods=["GET"])
def API_getWireguardConfigurations():
# WireguardConfigurations = _getConfigurationList()
return ResponseObject(data=[wc for wc in WireguardConfigurations.values()])
@ -1841,17 +1851,7 @@ def API_addPeers(configName):
if i not in availableIps[1]:
return ResponseObject(False, f"This IP is not available: {i}")
config.addPeers([{"id": public_key, "allowed_ip": ''.join(allowed_ips)}])
# subprocess.check_output(
# f"wg set {config.Name} peer {public_key} allowed-ips {''.join(allowed_ips)}",
# shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# if len(preshared_key) > 0:
# subprocess.check_output(
# f"wg set {config.Name} peer {public_key} preshared-key {preshared_key}",
# shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# subprocess.check_output(
# f"wg-quick save {config.Name}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
# config.getPeersList()
config.addPeers([{"id": public_key, "allowed_ip": ','.join(allowed_ips)}])
found, peer = config.searchPeer(public_key)
if found:
return peer.updatePeer(name, private_key, preshared_key, dns_addresses, ",".join(allowed_ips),
@ -2188,7 +2188,7 @@ _, WG_CONF_PATH = DashboardConfig.GetConfig("Server", "wg_conf_path")
WireguardConfigurations: dict[str, WireguardConfiguration] = {}
WireguardConfigurations = _getConfigurationList()
def startThreads():
bgThread = threading.Thread(target=backGroundThread)